Venue: Held remotely by Zoom
Contact: Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Cllr Gray and Cllr Merryweather. |
To sign as a correct record the minutes of the Farnham Town Council meeting held on 17th September 2020 at (Appendix A).
Minutes: The Minutes of the Farnham Town Council meeting held on 17th September 2020 at Appendix A were agreed to be signed by the Mayor as a correct record.
Disclosures of Interest To receive from members, in respect of any items included on the agenda for this meeting, disclosure of any disclosable pecuniary or other interests, or of any gifts and hospitality, in line with the Town Council’s Code of Conduct.
NOTES: (i) The following councillors have made a general non-pecuniary interest declaration in relation to being councillors of Waverley Borough Council: Cllrs Beaman, Blishen, Cockburn, Dickson, Edmonds, Gray, Hesse, Macleod, Martin, Merryweather, Mirylees, Neale, and Ward. (ii) The following councillor has made a general non-pecuniary interest declaration in relation to him being a councillor of Surrey County Council: Cllr Macleod. (iii) Members are requested to make declarations of interest, on the form attached, to be returned to by 5pm on the day before the meeting.
Members are reminded that if they declare a pecuniary interest they must leave before any debate starts unless dispensation has been obtained. Minutes: In addition to the standard declarations by dual or triple hatted Councillors, Cllrs Edmonds, Hesse, and MacLeod declared non pecuniary interests as representatives on the Waverley CIL Committee.
Questions and Statements by the Public In accordance with Standing Order 10.1, the Town Mayor will invite members of the public present to ask questions or make statements.
At the discretion of the Town Mayor, those members of the public, residing or working within the Council’s boundary, will be invited to make representations or ask questions in respect of the business on the agenda, or other matters not on the agenda, for a maximum of 3 minutes per person or 20 minutes overall. Minutes: There were no questions or statements from the public. |
Town Mayor's Announcements To receive the Town Mayor’s announcements. Minutes: The Mayor introduced her announcements noting that there were few physical events taking place but that she had been able to participate in a number of online events and activities. The Mayor reported that the Covid Management meetings with the Leader and Town Clerk continued to be held and consideration was being given to the possibility of needing to bring the Helpline back into play as a result of the increasing numbers of Covid-19 cases in the area.
The Mayor had been pleased to be celebrating Craft Month events and preparations were in hand for covid-secure Remembrance events and civic Christmas Carol Service.
The Mayor paid tribute to two stalwarts of the Community, Corin Harrison of Space2grow and Christopher Ellis of the Wrecclesham Community Centre, both of whom were stepping down from their roles.
The Mayor thanked councillors and staff for their continuing efforts in making council activities progress as usual. |
Questions by Members To consider any questions from councillors in accordance with Standing Order 9. Minutes: There were no questions by members. |
Working Group Reports: Community Enhancement Minutes: Cllr Dixon introduced the notes of the Community Enhancement Working Group from 23rd September at Appendix B.
She congratulated Iain McCready and the Outside Workforce team for the excellent results this year given the limited additional help possible from volunteers during lockdown. Council noted the plans for 2021 including the idea of gaining a Green Flag award for Gostrey Meadow and the latest report from the Bourne Conservation Group.
Cemeteries and Appeals Minutes: Cllr Cockburn reported on the meeting of Cemeteries and Appeals held on 24th September. In terms of maintenance she noted that the cemeteries were looking superb at the moment and that the installation of the new fence in West Street Cemetery would be a good addition.
The Working Group had reviewed the longstanding issue of Hale Chapels. Council noted all the options had been pursued as set out in the Notes of the meeting and demolition and making safe of the dilapidated buildings and their replacement with a garden (perhaps bounded by part of the chapel walls) seemed to be the only option remaining. The Working Group would like to get the matter sorted. A meeting was to be held with representatives of Hale Chapels Trust to finalise the proposals. |
To receive the notes and any recommendations of the following Working Groups: i) Community Enhancement held on 23rd September 2020Appendix B ii) Cemeteries and Appeals held on 24th September 2020 Appendix C iii) Tourism and Events held on 7th & 14th October 2020 Appendix D iv) Strategy and Finance held on 13th October 2020 Appendix E
Additional documents:
Minutes: Cllr Earwaker introduced the notes of the Tourism and Events Working Group held on 7th and 14th October at Appendix D. Council noted the Covd-19 checklist that was being used to manage events and mitigate risk and that every effort was being made to work within the enhanced guidelines set out by the Local Resilience Forum.
Cllr Earwaker reported on the successful projects being undertaken during the 2020 Craft Month and the Working Group’s commitment to ongoing development of the World Craft Town and reminded councillors of the first West Street Arts and Crafts market taking place on 25th October. The new Craft Town Video was fantastic and would be supported by vignettes of each maker.
Council welcomed the confirmed financial contribution from the European Regional Development Fund for Reopening the High Streets Safely.
Cllr Earwaker reported on the modified plans for the Christmas Lights Switch on, using Beacons of Light and the proposals for a covid-secure Christmas market and small events in the run up to Christmas.
The notes were agreed.
Strategy & Finance Minutes: Cllr Neale introduced the notes of the Strategy & Finance Working Group held on 13th October.
He reported that the Working Group had reviewed the NALC Legal Topic Note on powers to discharge functions, reminding Council that decisions must be taken by Council as a whole and not individual Working Groups or councillors.
Cllr Neale also reminded Council that with remote meetings it was important to ensure that family members did not appear in meetings or be involved when meetings were being held in confidential session or meetings that were not open to the public.
The Working Group reported on the Council finances at the six month period including the six month income and expenditure position; the bank reconciliation; the statement of investments; outstanding aged debtors; grants; and payments. These were all noted by Council.
Council noted that the process to appoint the Internal Auditor had been delayed but the current Internal Auditor was able to continue for a further year. It was RESOLVED unanimously to reappoint Mr Paul Hartley as the Internal Auditor for 2020/21.
Cllr Cockburn reported that a comprehensive response had been sent off to the Government’s Planning Consultations from Farnham Town Council advising that it was now essential to respond the Local Plan Part 2 consultation when it was published.
Cllr Fraser congratulated Cllr Cockburn on her hard work and hoped it was taken note of by Government.
The Community Infrastructure Project task Group had met on 6th October. Council noted that there had been an extension for applications until 31st January. The Task Group agreed that after further thought, the FTC application should focus on Gostrey Meadow.
With Cllr Edmonds, MacLeod and Hesse not voting as members of the Waverley CIL Board, It was RESOLVED nem con that the CIL funding application be submitted for Gostrey Meadow.
Cllr Neale reported that the Tice’s Meadow Bird Group had applied for the site to be designated an Asset of Community Value which had been approved by Waverley Borough Council. Council welcomed the opportunity for the site to be brought into community ownership and congratulated the Bird Group for their continuing conservation work.
It was RESOLVED nem con that Farnham Town Council: 1) Welcomes the Asset of Community Value Designation for Tice's Meadow; 2) Congratulates the Tice's Meadow Bird Group for their excellent conservation work; 3) Encourages Hanson PLC to sustain the site of nature conservation and the work of the Tice's Meadow Bird Group; and 4) Supports the Tice's Meadow Bird Group in progressing any application to retain the site for public enjoyment.
Cllr Neale provided an update on Contracts and assets and introduced the recommendation to carry out remedial works to Gostrey Meadow playground. It was RESOLVED nem con to spend £8,300 on urgent and remedial repairs to the playground in Gostrey Meadow
Planning and Licensing Applications PDF 215 KB To receive the minutes of the Planning & Licensing Consultative Group meetings held on 21st September, 5th October and 19th October 2020 at Appendices F, G, and H. Additional documents:
Minutes: Cllr Edmonds reported on the meetings of the Planning and Licensing Consultative Group held on 21st September and 5th and 19th October.
He congratulated the Farnham Town Council team as he was very impressed with the quality of responses which captured well the material issues of concern. He also thanked Ward councillors for calling in relevant applications. |
External Auditor's Report 2019-20 PDF 3 MB To receive the External Auditor’s unqualified audit for 2019-20 at Appendix I.
Minutes: Council received and welcomed the unqualified External Audit for 2019/20 and commended it to Council and congratulated the Town Clerk and his team. It was RESOLVED unanimously to welcome the unqualified 2019/20 External Audit.
Actions taken under the Scheme of Delegation Minutes: The Town Clerk reported that the Council’s comments had been submitted to NALC on the Reform of the Planning System. |
Reports from Other Councils To receive from Councillors any updates on matters affecting Farnham from Waverley Borough Council and Surrey County Council.
Minutes: Cllr Ward reported on the work being undertaken by Waverley Borough Council in response to Covid19 and the challenges being faced with the increasing numbers of infections.
Cllr Ward also reported on the KPMG project commissioned by the Surrey Districts on improving collaboration and service delivery.
Cllr Beaman reported on Surrey Bus Service Review and the need to prepare to protect services that may be at risk.
Cllr Blishen noted that there had been 3,300 objections to the Incinerator proposal near Alton.
Reports from Outside Bodies To receive from Members any verbal reports on Outside Bodies where they represent Farnham Town Council.
Minutes: The Mayor reported that the Farnham Maltings had received a very welcome grant of £169,000 from the Government to support it during its Covid19 closure.
Cllr Edmonds reported that the Farnborough Airport Consultative Committee meeting would be on 29th October and requested any matters to be raised.
Date of Next Meeting To note the date of the next meeting of Full Council on Thursday 10th December 2020 at 6.30pm. Minutes: The next meetingw was confirmed as 10th December 2020 at 6.30pm. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public TO PASS A RESOLUTION to exclude members of the public and press from the meeting at Part 3 of the agenda (if required) in view of any confidential items under discussion. |
Any confidential matters (if required) arising from discussions of the Working Group notes. |