Venue: Council Chamber - Farnham Town Hall. View directions
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No. | Item |
Apologies To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Cllrs Fraser, Martin, Mirylees and Merryweather. |
Disclosures of Interest To receive from members, in respect of any items included on the agenda for this meeting, disclosure of any disclosable pecuniary or other interests, or of any gifts and hospitality, in line with the Town Council’s Code of Conduct.
NOTES: (i) The following councillors have made a general non-pecuniary interest declaration in relation to being councillors of Waverley Borough Council: Cllrs Beaman, Cockburn, Dickson, Hesse, MacLeod, Martin, Merryweather, Mirylees, Neale, Ward and Wicks. (ii) The following councillors have made a general non-pecuniary interest declaration in relation to being councillors of Surrey County Council: Cllr MacLeod and Cllr Martin; and (iii) Members are requested to make declarations of interest, on the form attached, to be returned to by 5pm on the day before the meeting.
Members are reminded that if they declare a pecuniary interest they must leave before any debate starts unless dispensation has been obtained. Minutes: Cllr Evans disclosed an interest as a Trustee for Hale Community Centre relating to item 9 on the agenda – allocation of Community Grants, and took no part in the discussion.
Cllr Murray declared a non-pecuniary interest relating to item 9 on the agenda – report from the Internal Auditor as he knows Mike Platten on a social level.
Cllr Neale disclosed a non pecuniary interest in relation to grants as the Council’s representative on the New Ashgate Gallery, 40 Degreez and the Farnham Maltings.
Cllr Cockburn declared an interest as a Trustee of the Ridgeway School and left the room for discussion of the item relating to Gostrey Meadow. |
To sign as a correct record the minutes of the Farnham Town Council meeting held on 15 December 2022at Appendix A. Minutes: The minutes of the Farnham Town Council Meeting held on 15th December 2023 were agreed. |
The Co-option of Councillor for the Bourne Ward Following the death of Councillor Blishen, one candidate has completed an application to fill the vacant position to represent the Bourne.
Mr Tony Fairclough will be invited to make a three minute presentation which will be followed by questions from Council at the Mayor’s discretion. There will then be a vote on the co-option with the candidate needing to receive an absolute majority of those present and voting.
Minutes: There was one candidate who had completed an application to fill the vacant position to represent the Bourne, Mr Tony Fairclough. Mr Fairclough was invited to make a 3-minute presentation. There were no questions from the councillors and Cllr Fairclough was duly elected as councillor for the Bourne, signed his declaration of office and took his seat for the rest of the meeting. |
Questions and Statements by the Public In accordance with Standing Order 10.1, the Town Mayor will invite members of the public present to ask questions or make statements.
At the discretion of the Town Mayor, those members of the public, residing or working within the Council’s boundary, will be invited to make representations or ask questions in respect of the business on the agenda, or other matters not on the agenda, for a maximum of 3 minutes per person or 20 minutes overall. Minutes: There were two members of the public who asked questions.
1) Mr Clive Teague asked if the Town Council was aware of the raw sewage discharging in Crondall and Water Lane, and if it had plans to help to rescue the town's rivers. He advised that there was an awareness raising event taking place on Saturday in Gostrey Meadow, and asked if the Town Council could help raise concerns.
The Town Clerk said that the Town Council was generally aware of discharges as this had been a concern flagged in the past, most recently in Farnham Park. It was noted that if Councillors wished to progress the issues, there could be a motion later in the agenda under the Community Enhancement Working Group report.
2) Waverley Councillor Jerry Hyman made a statement about the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP). He said that the discussion at the LCWIP meeting in December had been unsatisfactory and he understood there to be meetings of the Farnham Infrastructure Programme in January and asked members to note three important considerations: · Proposed LCWIP routes, which stop at the Town Centre, forcing users on South Street. This could be added in Brightwells but that was in in the plan. · In the medium term, Scholars Way, and the Hale trail have disappeared from the plan. Borelli Walk could not be done until the Brightwell’s scheme was completed. The cycle routes were on narrow paths and it was important to provide space for walkers and shoppers. · The need for transparency in consultation and a dedicated lead office and recovery plan needed to be made in 2023.
Cllr Hyman added that he was concerned about the need to bid in summer 2023.
The Mayor said that this was on the agenda for the upcoming Farnham Infrastructure Plan meeting, which members and officers were attending. It was noted that borough and town councillors were able to attend, and Jenny de Quervain agreed to request the information be sent to Cllr Hyman.
Cllr Dickson added that the Hale trail has had budget which was in the holding account at Waverley BC and now that it was back with Waverley BC, she was encouraged and would pursue its progress. Cllr MacLeod said that he would love to see cycling routes through the town centre, but that he saw a problem with central Farnham due to narrow roads, where walking takes priority over cycling, especially for retail areas. He added that he did agree with the issues of the LCWIP meetings. |
Town Mayor's Announcements To receive the Town Mayor’s announcements. Minutes: The Mayor expressed his delight at being able to attend the celebrations for two Farnham residents celebrating their 100 year birthdays. One of those celebrations was for Mr Frank Rhodes who was well known in Farnham for his In Bloom awards.
The Mayor advised that he had been attending all the committee meetings that took place at FTC over the past few weeks and wanted to thank all councillors and staff involved for their efforts and hard work in what had been a very busy month. |
Questions by Members To consider any questions from councillors in accordance with Standing Order 9.
From Councillor John Neale:
Now that this council has abandoned its objectiveof delivering some form of pedestrianisation in Farnham town centre(Paragraph 9 Farnham Project, Key Principles and Objectives, Adopted by Farnham Town Council 14-05-20), how does it expect to achieve, or to influence the principal councils to achieve: 1. Improvements to air quality in the town centre, in accordance with the Local Air Quality Action Plan? 2. Encouragement of modal change in its citizens’ travel choices, together with a determined plan for the introduction of attractive and viable bus transport options? 3. The provision of a safer and viable road system for cyclists to access and traverse the town centre? 4. Its declared Climate Change policies, in particular to encourage the local community to reduce its carbon footprint. (Council Minute C81/19: v of 19th September 2019)? 5. Reduction in modern traffic management paraphernalia, with a view to improving the heritage characteristics of the town centre conservation area? The inference of all these statements is that a transformation of the town centre, which disallowed through traffic by, say, 2030, through a phased introduction of enabling measures, would have made a major contribution to these objectives. Contrarily, the current plans of the council are likely to exacerbate the problems. So, what is the council now expecting to do, instead, to address these issues in order to achieve health and wellbeing benefits for Farnham residents?
Minutes: Cllr Neale raised the following question regarding the Farnham Infrastructure Programm:
‘Now that this council has abandoned its objective of delivering some form of pedestrianisation in Farnham town centre (Paragraph 9 Farnham Project, Key Principles and Objectives, Adopted by Farnham Town Council 14-05-20), how does it expect to achieve, or to influence the principal councils to achieve: 1. Improvements to air quality in the town centre, in accordance with the Local Air Quality Action Plan? 2. Encouragement of modal change in its citizens’ travel choices, together with a determined plan for the introduction of attractive and viable bus transport options? 3. The provision of a safer and viable road system for cyclists to access and traverse the town centre? 4. Its declared Climate Change policies, in particular to encourage the local community to reduce its carbon footprint. (Council Minute C81/19: v of 19th September 2019)? 5. Reduction in modern traffic management paraphernalia, with a view to improving the heritage characteristics of the town centre conservation area?
The inference of all these statements is that a transformation of the town centre, which disallowed through traffic by, say, 2030, through a phased introduction of enabling measures, would have made a major contribution to these objectives. Contrarily, the current plans of the council are likely to exacerbate the problems. So, what is the council now expecting to do, instead, to address these issues in order to achieve health and wellbeing benefits for Farnham residents? ‘
Cllr Beaman responded by thanking Cllr Neale for his question and confirming that Farnham Town Council remained fully committed to pursuing and implementing policies that would encourage modal shift from cars to other modes of transport (cycling, walking and public transport) in order to meet its declared Climate Change objectives, reduce air pollution and create a better environment across the whole town for the benefit of everybody living, working and visiting the town centre as well as the residential areas in North and South Farnham.
He reminded Cllr Neale that to achieve this objective Farnham Town Council had consistently stated that it would eventually like to see pedestrianisation of the town centre but appreciated that this could only be realistically achieved with adequate mitigation measures being implemented to deal with traffic that would be displaced to residential areas if the town centre was to be pedestrianised.
Cllr Beaman emphasised that Farnham Town Council continued to play an active and constructive role in the Farnham Infrastructure Programme which was being undertaken jointly with Surrey County and Waverley Borough Councils and, as reported the Farnham Herald, was campaigning for the current proposals to also include construction of a Hart Link Road from Castle Hill to West Street.
If a Hart Link Road was constructed this would allow consideration to then be given to totally pedestrianising the bottom half of Castle Street. This would remove a significant proportion of traffic that currently has no option but to travel through Central Farnham and would also remove the need for a potentially ... view the full minutes text for item C87/22 |
Working Group Notes PDF 187 KB To receive the notes and any recommendations of the following Working Groups: i) Tourism and Events held on 11th January 2023 Appendix B ii) Strategy and Finance held on 17th January 2023 Appendix C
To receive a briefing update from the informal Cemeteries and Appeals Working Group held on 12th January and an update on matters pertaining to the Community Enhancement Working Group as the meeting on 18th January was cancelled. Appendix D Additional documents:
Minutes: i) Tourism and Events Cllr Evans provided feedback from the meeting held on 11th January 2023 at Appendix B to the agenda and advised that there were no specific recommendations from the Working group for Council.
Cllr Evans update Council on preparations for the Coronation weekend. The Town Clerk confirmed that he had also attended a meeting with Witley, Godalming and Haslemere Councils to discuss their plans for the Coronation. If there was a beacon (and there had been no confirmation regarding beacons for the coronation), Farnham Park had been identified by the Farnham Society as the location for a permanent fixture. It was noted this could pose a problem as it was in a designated park very close to a listed monument with archaeological potential and would probably also require planning permission.
Council noted that there was a meeting at the Bush Hotel for the relaunch of the Farnham Chamber of Commerce that evening, Thursday 26th January 2023. It was very positive for the fledgling Business Improvement District team and the new Chamber of Commerce to work together and make a good case for business in Farnham to sustain itself through the challenging times ahead.
Cllr Hesse congratulated the Tourism and Events team for all their hard work and efforts in putting on such wonderful events in Farnham. ii) Strategy and Finance Cllr Evans introduced the notes from the Strategy and Finance Working Group Meeting held on 17th January 2023. a) The quarterly finance reports to 31st December had been considered in detail including the Income and Expenditure reports, the Statement of Investment and Reserves, and the current debtors list. Council noted that the position at the 9 month period was good with income running at 117% of budget (including ring-fenced CIL receipts) and expenditure running at 83.5% of budget. The timetable for the closing of the accounts was noted. b) The Fees and Charges report was reviewed and the proposed fees and charges for 2023/24 were discussed. There were numerous proposed changes for 2023/24. It was RESOLVED nem con that: · The fees and charges set out at Annex1 be agreed. · The Town Clerk be authorised to use discretion to negotiate the best arrangement for the Council in relation to Sponsorship and items where more complex arrangement are planned using the approved Fees and Charges as the basis for discussion.
c) The Investment Strategy 2023/24 at Annex 2 was recommended for approval. Council noted the requirement to minimise risk and the short-term nature of investments (less than 1 year). It was RESOLVED nem con that the Investment Strategy 2023/24 be adopted.
d) Cllr Evans advised that Community Grants had been discussed in detail and that the funding proposed in the budget for 2023/24 was as follows: · Service level agreements: £60,000 · In-year community grants: £18,000 · Grants funded from other budgets: £4,500 · Small Grants (in year allocation): £2,000 Cllr Evans reminded Council that detailed presentations were made by organisations in receipt of regular grants towards running costs ... view the full minutes text for item C88/22 |
To consider the report at Appendix E from the Strategy & Finance Working Group and agree the level of precept for 2023-24. Minutes: Cllr Evans introduced the Precept Report at Appendix advising that the Strategy & Finance Working group had spent considerable time considering options for minimising the budget shortfall’s impact on the local community. In 2022-23, the Local Councils sector as a whole received just 1.8% of money raised by Council tax (£655m out of £36.3billion). In recent years, more services had been taken on by the Town and Parish sector from principal authorities as a result of structural change or pressures on finance. In 2022/23 the average Parish increase was 4.1% whilst Farnham was again below average for the tenth successive year at 3.6%, The average council tax precept for town and parish councils was £74.81 against the Farnham level in 2022/23 of £69.76.
The Working Group looked at using reserves and some additional income targets to cushion the inflationary and energy impacts being expected for the year ahead. The Working Group recommendation was for a balanced approach for 2023/24 that was considered prudent, fair and reasonable, supporting local residents at a difficult time minimising the increase to less than a penny a day.
It was resolved nem con that: 1. An additional income target for the Cemeteries service of £10,000 and targeted staff and agency savings of £20,000 be set and £19,000 of reserves be used to minimise the 2023/24 precept increase; 2. The 2023/24 precept be set at £1,315,900 representing a Band D equivalent amount of £73.21 per annum or £1.41 per week.
Planning and Licensing Applications PDF 138 KB To receive the minutes of the Planning & Licensing Consultative Group meetings held on 9th and 23rd January 2023 at Appendices F, and G. Additional documents: Minutes: Members received the minutes of the Planning and Licensing Consultative Group meeting held on 9th and 23rd January 2023 at Appendices F and G noting the continued high volume of work that was being undertaken. |
Actions taken under the Scheme of Delegation Minutes: There were no additional actions to be reported. |
Reports from Other Councils To receive from Councillors any updates on matters affecting Farnham from Waverley Borough Council and Surrey County Council.
Minutes: There were no reports from other councils received. |
Reports from Outside Bodies To receive from Members any verbal reports on Outside Bodies where they represent Farnham Town Council.
Minutes: Cllr Cockburn reported that the Farnham Sports Awards celebration would be taking place on 6th February and paid thanks to the unstoppable enthusiasm of David Gill for his leadership.
Cllr Dickson advised that there was increased number of trucks that had been ignoring the HGV restriction road signs and breaking the law in Farnham North. The Town Clerk informed members that there was currently no law to use ANPR technology locally. Cllr Hesse advised that Waverley CIL had been provided to purchase ANPR cameras and perhaps these could be used. |
Date of Next Meeting To agree the date of the next meeting as Thursday 16th March 2023 at 7pm. Minutes: Date of the next meeting was set for Thursday 16th March 2023. |