Agenda and minutes

Council - Thursday 27th July, 2023 7.00 pm

The full agenda with individual reports can be viewed on this page below.

The full agenda with all reports can be downloaded from the Agenda reports pack.

Venue: Council Chamber - Farnham Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Email: 

No. Item



To receive apologies for absence.


Apologies were received from Cllrs Brown, Earwaker, Hesse and Woodhouse.


Disclosures of Interest

To receive from members, in respect of any items included on the agenda for this meeting, disclosure of any disclosable pecuniary or other interests, or of any gifts and hospitality, in line with the Town Council’s Code of Conduct.



(i)              The following councillors have made a general non-pecuniary interest declaration in relation to being councillors of Waverley Borough Council: Cllrs David Beaman, George Murray, Tony Fairclough, George Hesse, Andrew Laughton, Mark Merryweather, Kika Mirylees,          John Ward, and Graham White.

(iii)        The following councillor has made a general non-pecuniary interest declaration in relation to being a councillor of Surrey County Council: Cllr Michaela Martin;

(iv)        Members are requested to make any declarations of interest, on the form attached, to be returned to by 5pm on the day before the meeting.


Members are reminded that if they declare a pecuniary interest they must leave before any debate starts unless dispensation has been obtained.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 147 KB

To sign as a correct record the minutes of the Farnham Town Council meeting held on 25th May 2023 at Appendix A.


Cllr Dickson asked for her name to be removed from the Infrastructure Planning Task Group as she only intended to be involved in the Neighbourhood Plan review.  With this amendment, the Minutes were agreed as a correct record.


Questions and Statements by the Public

In accordance with Standing Order 10.1, the Town Mayor will invite members of the public present to ask questions or make statements.


At the discretion of the Town Mayor, those members of the public, residing or working within the Council’s boundary, will be invited to make representations or ask questions in respect of the business on the agenda, or other matters not on the agenda, for a maximum of 3 minutes per person or 20 minutes overall.


There were no questions or statements by the public.


Town Mayor's Announcements

To receive the Town Mayor’s announcements.


The Deputy Town Mayor, standing in for the Mayor who was unwell, wished him a speedy recovery. 


The Deputy Mayor advised that since the last Council meeting he had been pleased to represent the Mayor at a number of events when he had other commitments including at St Polycarps School, the 40th anniversary of Farnham Tandoori and the Haslemere Civic Service.  It was a great privilege to represent the wider community in this way.


The Deputy Mayor was pleased to announce that Farnham had been awarded three Green Flags:  One a renewal for Gostrey Meadow and two new ones for West Street Cemetery and Badshot Lea Cemetery.  He congratulated Iain McCready, Stacey Wills and the team for making this happen.


Finally the Deputy Mayor had enjoyed meeting the South and South East in Bloom judges and all our wonderful volunteers and was keeping his fingers crossed for another positive result in what has been a difficult year.


Questions by Members

To consider any questions from councillors in accordance with Standing Order 9.


There were no Questions by Members.


Working Group Notes pdf icon PDF 138 KB

To receive the notes and any recommendations of the following Working Groups:

i)           Environment held on 15th June 2023 (to follow)                                                                                                              Appendix B

ii)         Community held on 5th July 2023                                                             Appendix C

iii)        Strategy and Resources held on 18th July 2023                                               Appendix D


Additional documents:


i)               Environment Working Group.

Council noted that the first meeting held on 15th June had been an introductory one with a presentation on the work of the group.


ii)              Community Working Group

Council received a report on the first Community Working Group that had taken place on 5th July. The presentation had included details of the annual programme of events the latest position on the Business Improvement District progress towards a vote in October. In response to a question, the Town Clerk advised that Council would receive the Business Plan to inform how it would cast its vote at the September meeting.


Council noted that there had been discussion by the Working Group on representations made by residents of Kingham Place about the road closure in West Street during markets, and the request that vehicular access be provided. However, it was noted that such access could not be provided for safety reasons, and that the idea of moving the West Street Markets to Brightwell’s once it opened would be explored.


The Working Group had also received details of the Younger People Task Group, the Community Grants Programme and details of Community Centres in Farnham including Wrecclesham, owned by the Town Council but managed by a trust.


iii)            Strategy & Resources Working Group

a)     Cllr White introduced the Notes of the Strategy & Resources Working Group that had been held on 18th July.  He advised that the quarterly finances had been discussed with a series of documents reviewed including the Trial Balance and Income and Expenditure by code and Committee.  A number of points of clarification responding to queries by councillors were set out in the Notes. Small grants to Folly Hill School and the Royal British Legion were noted, as was the Pensions Regulator auto-enrolment renewal.


b)     Council noted the latest position on Brightwell’s Yard, including that the East Street road works were not now expected to be implemented until early 2024 and discussions to find agreement on a satisfactory and compliant bridge re replace the haul bridge were continuing.


c)     Cllr Beaman gave an update on the Farnham Infrastructure Programme and the briefing paper he had drafted at Annex 1.  He  confirmed that Surrey County Council had now agreed funding of £14m to the town centre project costs of some £17m, with the expectation that the balance would be funded by CIL funding and other sources.  In discussion, Council noted that no application for funding had yet been sought from FTC, and its portion of CIL would generally be spent on environmental or community projects with strategic CIL (75% of the total) managed by the Borough Council covering highways and other infrastructure projects. Cllr Merryweather advised that the Borough Council currently had an application process underway and Surrey would hopefully apply.  He also reminded Council that CIL was to fund other infrastructure requirements such as those required for schools, health etc as a result of new development.


Cllr Beaman advised that a series of consultation meetings were  ...  view the full minutes text for item C34/23


Planning and Licensing Applications pdf icon PDF 125 KB

To receive the minutes of the Planning & Licensing Consultative Group meetings held on 5th and 19th June and the 3rd and 17th July at Appendices E, F, G and H.

Additional documents:


Council received the Notes of the Planning & Licensing Consultative Group meetings held on 5th and19th June, and 3rd and 17th July.  Of note was the Licensing application for Reel Cinema which had been approved by Waverley following an adjustment by the applicant to late hours; and the application for the proposed cemetery buildings at land East of Farnham Park which had received an objection from Surrey Highways.


Actions taken under the Scheme of Delegation

To receive details of any actions taken under the scheme of delegation not already reported.


There were no additional actions to report.


Reports from Other Councils

To receive from Councillors any updates on matters affecting Farnham from Waverley Borough Council and Surrey County Council.



There were no reports from other councils


Reports from Outside Bodies

To receive from Members any verbal reports on Outside Bodies where they represent Farnham Town Council.



Cllr Beaman reported that the Wey Valley partnership was seeking additional funding for its work.


Cllr Dickson reported that the Flash Fiction competition had been a success with around 100 entries.


Date of Next Meeting

To agree the date of the next meeting as 14th September 2023.


The date of the next scheduled meeting was agreed as 14th September 2023.


It was also agreed to hold an Extraordinary Meeting on 8th August to discuss the potential for a Judicial Challenge on the Waverley lane Appeal.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

TO PASS A RESOLUTION to exclude members of the public and press from the meeting at Part 3 of the agenda (if required) in view of any confidential items under discussion. These will usually relate to exempt staffing or legal matters or contractual matters which may be commercially sensitive.


On a proposal of the Mayor, it was RESOLVED nem con to exclude the press and the public in view of the confidential matters under discussion relating to potential legal action.


Any confidential matters (if required) arising from discussions of the Working Group notes.

This is likely to include:

1          Consideration of whether Farnham Town Council should join or apply for a Judicial Review to the Planning Inspectorate’s approval of APP/R3650/W/22/3311941- Land West of Waverley Lane and Opposite Old Compton Lane, Waverley Lane, Farnham, GU9 8ET given that this land is a candidate area for the AONB extension.



Potential Legal action relating to the Waverley Lane Planning Appeal.


Council discussed the detail of the planning appeal decision and whether or not the Inspector had given correct weight to a series of matters relating to landscape designation and potential harm, and to the site allocations in the Neighbourhood Plan noting other recent appeal decisions that had come to a different view.


It was agreed that these were of such importance that discussions should take place with the Surrey Hills AONB and that legal advice should be taken and for Council to consider whether there were grounds to submit a legal challenge.