Agenda item

Questions and Statements by the Public

Prior to the commencement of the meeting, the Town Mayor will invite Members of the Public present to ask questions on any Local Government matter, not included on the agenda, to which an answer will be given or if necessary a written reply will follow or the questioner will be informed of the appropriate contact details. A maximum of 15 minutes will be allowed for the whole session.


1)    Mr Barry Hartop raised concerns over the problems associated with traffic speed and heavy lorries in the town centre including damage to buildings, pollution and danger to pedestrians.  The narrow pavements in the Borough and Downing street  He said there were many strategies and tactics that should be deployed to mitigate the situation and proposed that a 20mph speed limit be introduced for the town centre in Castle St, The Borough, South St, Downing St and West St. 


MrHartop advised that it was vital that the limit be enforced and proposed fixed cameras be used as in other towns such as Guildford.  He also suggested the declassifying of the town centre main roads in order that heavy vehicles are rerouted.  Mr Hartop sought Council’s support in presenting a compelling case to the Surrey Waverley Local Committee and guidance on funding. 


The Town Mayor thanked Mr Hartop for raising this matter and advised it would be referred to the next meeting of the Strategy & Finance Working Group in order that some investigation could be carried out about the practicalities and cost of the idea. 


2)    Mrs Cooper, Chair of the Farnham Theatre Association, referred to the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan which recognised that planning positively for the future for the provision of social and cultural facilities is essential for the wellbeing of communities as they grow” and referred to options in the Neighbourhood Plan for a review of the Brightwells scheme if it changed or ceased.  She sought confirmation that the revised Neighbourhood Plan would continue to support this approach.


In response the Mayor advised that the Neighbourhood Plan Review had not changed the wording and would remain as set out.


3)    Mr John Price raised a number of points. First, he commented that Waverley had received £1million when Waverley Borough Council had sold the former Castle theatre freehold, and that this money should be invested in theatre at the Maltings.  Secondly, Mr Price also considered that the Council should be looking at 40-50 years when undertaking its strategic plan.  With Climate change there were real issues about the rise in the level of seawater.  This could mean flooding in Sussex and more people moving towards Surrey and Farnham.  Thirdly, Mr Price asked that a Park and Ride scheme be put on the agenda for discussion.


The Mayor thanked Mr Price for raising these points and asked the Leader to respond.  Cllr Neale said that all issues raised had been on the table for a long time and it was intended to present some ideas in the not too distant future.  Through the Strategic Plan it was hoped to make some visible improvements in the short term and longer term.  Cllr Neale was sympathetic to the matters raised by Mr Hartop and would like to see some things addressed in short term measures.


4)    Mr Stephen Proctor endorsed Mr Hartop’s presentation commenting that the surface of Castle Street was unfit for purpose and needed urgent attention.  He felt that Castle Street residents contribute to the town by hosting events and festivals and deserved some respect.


The Mayor advised that the roads were a matter for Surrey County Council but the comments would be noted by the Working Group and raised with Surrey.