Agenda item

Strategy & Finance Working Group



The notes of the Strategy & Finance Working Group held on 14th January 2020


Cllr Neale introduced the notes of the Strategy and Finance Working Group at Appendix C to the agenda which had considered detailed finance papers to the end of December 2019.  He advised that income was ahead of target but expenditure was on track.


The Working Group had reviewed the statements of Investments at 31st December and the spread of investments in different institutions. Members had reviewed the general and earmarked reserves as at 31st December and considered the detail of why they were held and the continuing need to hold them.  There was a requirement to review the Investment Strategy annually, and it was recommended to Council for adoption.


It was RESOLVED nem con that:

The Investment Strategy for 2020/21 be adopted.


It was noted the Precept and Risk Management recommendations would be covered in later agenda items.


Cllr Neale advised that the Working Group had given detailed consideration to proposed community grants for 2020/21.  These included:

Service Level agreements of £53,000

Community Grants of £17,500

Grants from other budgets £3,000 eg tourism and events

Small Grants at the Town Clerk’s discretion of £2,000


After an initial discussion it was proposed that Council should accept all the grant awards en bloc as recommended by the Strategy and Finance Working Group.


It was RESOLVED nem con:

To agree as set out in Annex 2

i)               Service agreement contributions to Waverley Hoppa, The Farnham Maltings, Citizens Advice Waverley, 40 Degreez and The Gostrey Centre.

ii)             The award of community grants to organisations listed.


The Working Group had noted the history and background of the current grants programme and agreed that it would be a useful point to review the arrangements.


It was RESOLVED nem con that:

A review of the process and allocations for grants be undertaken in the coming year.


Cllr Neale advised, in reference to the appendix Ci, that the proposed creation of a Business Improvement District (BID) would have significant benefits for Farnham. The Working Group had noted that a BID is funded by the businesses within a defined area within the town through the payment of an additional business rate. It was agreed it would be advantageous to expedite the business engagement for the BID process by contributing a grant to support the move to a BID ballot with the expectation there would be additional support from WBC, SCC and the Chamber of Commerce.


It was RESOLVED nem con that:

FTC allocates £5,000 from the new initiatives fund towards the development of a business led Business Improvement District for Farnham.


Cllr Neale reported on the ballot being held for representatives to represent the town and parish councils on the Waverley Standards Committee.


It was RESOLVED nem con that:

The nominations of Cllr Reynolds from Elstead and Cllr Taylor from Cranleigh be supported.



Cllr Neale introduced the notes from the Task Groups reporting to Strategy and Finance starting with the notes from the Infrastructure Planning Group and asked Cllr Cockburn for a review of progress on the Neighbourhood Plan and the Design Statement.


Cllr Cockburn advised the referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan was expected to be 12th March 2020. Purdah would commence from 3rd February 2020 meaning councillors and Farnham Town Council would not be able to campaign for the plan or be quoted in the press using council resources from 3rd February 2020.


Cllr Cockburn reported that the Design Statement first draft had been circulated and encouraged councillors to encourage members of their ward and ward residents’ associations to respond so their comments were recorded.  Cllr Cockburn noted there would be a workshop to finalise the text of the Design Statement.


Cllr Neale expressed thanks to Cllr Cockburn for the work on both projects.


Cllr Neale reported on notes from the recent meeting with SCC over the Hickleys Corner proposal. It was noted SCC were investigating building an underpass at Hickleys Corner to increase the capacity, rather than speed, of traffic. It was noted an application had been made to Transport for the South East to fund this project.


Councillors noted Farnham had not been consulted regarding the Hickleys Corner proposal, and as a major road scheme in the centre of Farnham FTC should be engaged and at the forefront of any proposal. Councillors believed the 2004 plan for the Hickleys Corner underpass needed to be thoroughly reviewed as much had changed since 2004 and in addition a new analysis of traffic use of the roads was needed.


Council was also concerned about the air quality implications of any scheme and considered that any project needed to be aligned with the priorities of the climate emergency. Cllr MacLeod advised the project was a long way from happening and that there would be consultation. The Town Clerk reported SCC had been invited to the Infrastructure Planning Task Group and did not accept as the plan was not ready for a formal presentation and but that there would be public engagement around June 2020.


The discussion was bought to a close by The Mayor who recognised all councillors had taken the opportunity to speak and express views. Cllr Neale noted there would be consultation with FTC on this road proposal.


Cllr Neale noted the need to come to an FTC view on the future of the town centre and suggested councillors meet at an informal briefing to consider views which would then be developed further via the IPG Task Group. All councillors agreed to the meeting with a date to be arranged.


Cllr Neale reported the Community Infrastructure Projects (CIP) Task Group had not met since the last Full Council. Cllr Neale expressed the need for councillor input on projects needed in each ward.


Cllr Neale introduced the notes from the meeting of the Assets Task Group held on 13th January 2020 where there had been a presentation from The Ridgeway School on a proposed café in Gostrey Meadow on the site of the old Bowling Pavilion.


Cllr Cockburn declared a pecuniary interest (as she is a trustee at The Ridgeway School) and left the meeting


Cllr Neale reported the project was welcomed by the Task Group and would be worked up in more detail.


Cllr Cockburn returned to the meeting.


Cllr Neale noted that after careful consideration councillors in the Task Group had agreed to the purchase of the IVECO Daily CNG gas fuelled vehicle and the purchase of new electric tools as previously advised.



All notes were received and accepted from Strategy and Finance.