Cllr Neale introduced the notes of the Strategy & Finance Working Group held on 1st December at Appendix C to the agenda.
Cllr Neale presented the finance report advising that there was still uncertainty over the national pandemic situation.
The Internal Auditor had presented his interim report which had been undertaken remotely as a result of covid19 restrictions. Council noted he had undertaken a review of information on the website against the requirements of the Transparency Code and that some updates had resulted.
It was RESOLVED nem con that the Internal Auditor’s Interim report be noted.
Strategy Review meeting
Cllr Neale advised that notes of the Strategic Planning Meeting in October, which had been circulated to all councillors, had been discussed. The meeting had reviewed achievements previously agreed and considered areas for development. The work of all three tiers of Councils on the Farnham Infrastructure Programme was impacting on both workload and resources, and this was likely to continue
The Council vision was revised slightly and proposed to Council for adoption.
“The Council should be, and seen to be, the influential and effective voice forFarnham, bringing together the views of all organisations working for the goodof the Town”.
“Farnham Town Council aims to be an effective and efficient organisationproviding high-quality, sustainable services and facilities for the residents andbusinesses of Farnham whilst addressing the climate challenge, with a strongand respected voice representing Farnham’s best interests.”
Council confirmed that there were no additional priorities for the next financial year and to continue with the same programme of work with a few adjustments including the Farnham Infrastructure Programme, and the prospect of Local Government Re-organisation whilst consolidating the work on being World Craft Town; supporting the recovery from Covid19; developing strategies for the new green spaces taken on by the Town Council and focusing on communication.
It was RESOLVED unanimously to adopt the revised Vision.
In terms of Task Groups reporting to Strategy & Finance Cllr Cockburn advised that the Design Statement was being formatted following consultation and Cllr Neale reported that the CIL Task Group was preparing a bid for Gostrey Meadow improvements. Council noted that Idverde had been commissioned to draft a report at a cost of £2,000 that would support this and the Green Flag application.
Cllr Attfield reported that the Assets Task Group had considered a wide range of matters including the need for some refurbishment of the Gostrey War Memorial ahead of its centenary in April 2021. The costs was estimated at £8,000 for the stone work and £2,000 for hedging work.
It was RESOLVED unanimously that:
1) Farnham commemorates the centenary of the Gostrey Meadow war memorial;
2) FTC refurbishes the war memorial ahead of the anniversary; and replaces the laurel hedging with yew with costs met from the 2020/21 budget.
Council noted that Drake and Kannemeyer were being instructed to develop proposals for the refurbishment of toilets based on discussions in the Task Group and would hopefully have some links into Farnham’s Craft Town status. The Task Group had agreed a design for village gateways based on what had been proposed in consultation with local members in Wrecclesham using approved Section 106 funding. Council agreed that the format should be used across Farnham including in Hale and Weybourne.
Cllr Earwaker advised that as chair of the well-being Task Group he was involved in a project led by Farnham Connects and the Maltings to tackle loneliness and isolation, key issues emerging from the pandemic.
Council noted that with Section 106 funding achieved towards a sculpture, discussions would be taking place with Waverley for the transfer of a small section of the triangle of grass off Union Road but that a Task Group should be established to commission the right piece of art. Cllr Blishen and Cllr Cockburn had been agreed as members with the UCA, Public Art Trust and Farnham Maltings to be invited to participate. Cllr Mirylees encouraged commissioning a local crafts person, and it was noted that this was always encouraged but without always attracting the right people. The commission would be widely advertised.
It was RESOLVED nem con that a Task Group be established with external input for the proposed sculpture for the Maltings Riverside, using the UCA Section 106 contribution and any additional funds.
Farnham Infrastructure Programme
Cllr Neale updated Council on the latest discussions and the consultation events held to date. These had been vey useful with a range of matters ranging from Climate Change to HGVs, to cycling and pedestrian safety had arisen. Thematic Local Liaison Forum meetings were being held in the new year. Many people were beginning to realise some adaptation to lifestyles would inevitably come as a result of emerging proposals.
Cllr Dickson said there had been a lot of interest in Hale as a result of the Programme, and a new residents’ association - Hale Voice was being established led by Catherine Powell which was a great step forward. Councillors commended Catherine Powell for her inspirational efforts noting she was thorough and professional in her approach.
Cllr Neale reported on other matters discussed including the Waverley Boundary Review; the Local Plan Part 2 consultation being co-ordinated by Cllr Cockburn and Jenny de Quervain; and the Taxi &Licensing Policy Review for which councillors needed to submit comments for the January Strategy & Finance meeting in order that a response could be submitted as the closing date was before the next Council.