Agenda item

Strategy & Finance



Cllr Neale introduced the notes of the Strategy & Finance Working Group at Appendix E to the agenda.


Strategy & Finance had considered a full range of financial documents for Income and Expenditure reports were discussed noting the outturn would be in surplus as a result of additional grants received, the management of activity budgets to expenditure during the year along with reduced activity because of Coronavirus, and the management of vacancies.         

Cllr Neale advised the Working Group had discussed and reviewed the Investment Strategy 2021/22 at Annex 1 to the notes.


The Working Group received a request from the Trustees of the Wrecclesham Community Centre to waive the second half of the year’s rent given the ongoing closure as a result of Covid-19.



It was RESOLVED nem con that:

1. The Investment Strategy 2021/22 at Annex 1 to these Minutes be adopted.

2. The 2020/21 rent for the Wrecclesham Community Centre be waived.


Cllr Neale advised that the Working Group considered the grants for 2021/22 detailed at Annex 2.  Cllr Neale reported there had been some discussion about larger grants funded by service level agreements, and it was agreed that these would be reviewed in the forthcoming year. The Town Clerk advised these were revenue grants generally above £2,000.


A point of clarification on the grant allocation to Space to Grow was raised. The Town Clerk advised the project funding supported 15 people and Officers considered that it was a reasonable contribution from Town Council’s resources for the benefits that would accrue. The Town Clerk further commented the Council supports Space to Grow in other ways and other applicants included work with Space to Grow.  After discussion, it was agreed to agree the grant proposed but make an additional contribution in-kind from the In Bloom budget.



It was RESOLVED nem con that:

1)      The 2021/22 Grants at Annex 2 be approved;

2)      Any pledges for projects not yet confirmed be retained in earmarked reserves;

3)      The Town Clerk allocate funding from the returned grants from 2020/21 to maximise support for the agreed applications; and

4)      A review of the organisations supported by Service Level Agreements be undertaken in 2021.


Cllr Neale reported the Working Group considered the appointment of a new Internal Auditor, following an external tender process.



It was RESOLVED nem con that:

Mike Platten of Farsight Consulting be appointed as Internal Auditor for an initial period of three years.


Cllr Neale reported on the Risk Management Report at Appendix 3, which was reviewed annually. Each year, the Council reviews a range of risks affecting the organisation in each of the service areas and as a corporate body.



It was RESOLVED nem con that:

1)      The Risk Management report for 2020/21 be adopted.

2)      The updated Fire Safety, Health & Safety and Environmental Policies be adopted.


Cllr Neale advised Standing Orders were reviewed by the Working Group to take account matters that had emerged from remote meetings.


Consideration was also given to the structure of the Working Groups and Task Groups. It was agreed that a review would be undertaken in the forthcoming municipal year in consultation with the Lead Members of the Task Groups. 



It was RESOLVED nem con that:

1)    The Working Groups should continue to operate as they are with all decisions made at Full Council;

2)    The Planning & Licensing Consultative Group continue to meet fortnightly to prepare the Council’s response on application for submission to the Planning or Licensing Authority under delegated authority;

3)    A review of the governance structure be undertaken in the forthcoming municipal year with a Task Group that includes the Lead Members of the Working Groups;

4)    The draft revised Standing orders at Annex 4 be adopted.


The Council’s Comments, Compliments and Concerns Procedure was reviewed by the Working Group. A point of clarification was raised in respect of the title of the document. The Town Clerk advised that the Council receive a number of compliments and generally responds well to concerns raised by residents, that tend not to become complaints.



It was RESOLVED nem con that:

The Comments, Compliments and Concerns Procedure be adopted.


Task Groups

1)     Cllr Neale reported on the Assets Task Group and provided an update on matters being progressed which were set out in the notes.  Councillors discussed the costings for replacement toilets in Central Car Park and matters relating to the proposed site for the Ridgeway School café refurbishment of the toilets.

2)     Cllr Neale introduced the main points from the Infrastructure Planning Group. The Task Group considered the Government’s consultation on the National Policy Framework and the proposed Design Codes. Jenny de Quervain had drafted a Town Council response. Cllr Cockburn highlighted the implications of the Design Codes and the importance of community involvement from a range of groups in the development of the Codes. Cllr Cockburn further advised that both the Design Statement and Farnham Neighbourhood Plan would feed into the Design Codes.

3)     Cllr Neale reported on the Farnham Infrastructure Programme and the consultation of the draft Optimised Infrastructure Plan. The feedback at the recent round of Local Liaison Forums has been constructive.  Councillor Neale advised that the Town Council’s response to the consultation would be covered at an extraordinary meeting of Strategy and Finance on 16th March before being presented to the adjourned Full Council meeting on 17th March.


It was noted Cllr Cockburn would be attending the Lower Weybourne Lane Inquiry on 17th March.


It was RESOLVED nem con that:

The Council’s draft response to Optimised Infrastructure Plan be deferred to the adjourned meeting of Full Council on 17th March at 6.30pm for further consideration.


4)      Cllr Neale reported on the Cultural Task Group. Its main aim was to identify a cultural initiative in the Town Centre which would complement World Craft Town. Funding had been received from the three county councillors which needed to be matched funded to commission a scoping study for the project.



It was RESOLVED with one objection and one abstention that:

1)    FTC match funds the Surrey County Councillors' contribution of £3,000 and seeks a similar contribution from WBC to appoint consultants to prepare the scoping report. 

2)    FTC waives Standing Orders Contracts to allow the Town Clerk to appoint suitably qualified consultants up to the value of £7,000 to carry out the scoping report.


Cllr Edmunds requested his objection against the vote is recorded.


5)     Cllr Attfield highlighted a decision under the Scheme of Delegation, supported by the HR Panel, to ‘buy back’ leave for some staff who had continued to work throughout the coronavirus period and accrued leave.  The Town Clerk advised this was a pragmatic business decision and the cost would be met by the surplus in the staffing budget in 2020/21. The consequence of not taking this decision would result in staff taking leave at the beginning of the new financial year, at peak time when restrictions were being lifted.

Cllr Edmunds requested his objection to the Panel’s decision was noted.


The Town Clerk advised under Coronavirus update, the office will be opened to the public on the 12April, subject to step 3 restrictions being lifted and from 20 May, it was anticipated hybrid Council meeting could be facilitated.


Cllr Ward advised that Robert Jenrick, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, recently confirmed that with effect from 7 May (the temporary regulations enabling virtual meetings expires on 6 May), remote and hybrid meetings would be illegal and could not take place. Councils had been advised a change to primary legislation was required, but there was no time in the legislative timetable. This presented significant challenges for Councils, that FTC would also need to consider. Cllr Ward commented that over 50% of Waverley Councillors had indicated they would not attend in Chamber meetings from May.