Agenda item

Strategy & Finance Working Group


The Leader introduced the notes of the Strategy & Finance Working Group held on 20th April 2021 at Appendix C. The focus of the meeting had been the Annual Accounts and Annual Governance and Accountability Return for 2020/21. These were considered later in the meeting under agenda item 8 (minute reference C165/20).



Cllr Neale referred to the statement of Dr David Brown that had been received at the beginning of the meeting. The statement highlighted the concerns of General Practitioners about changes to the boundaries of Frimley Health & Care Integrated Services. The Leader proposed that a meeting of the Infrastructure Planning Group (IPG) be convened to consider the issues and formulate the Town Council’s response.


Cllr Merryweather declared he was Waverley’s appointed Governor to the Royal Surrey County Hospital Trust and would abstain from the discussion on this matter. 


It was RESOLVED nem com with one abstention that:

Council delegate to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Infrastructure Planning Group the formulation of the Town Council’s response.



The Leader covered discussions at the Infrastructure Planning Group. The Programme Team would provide formal feedback to the Town Council’s response to the OIP at a special meeting on 13th May at 4.00pm.  


Cllr Beaman asked whether there had been any substantial objections to the Traffic Regulation Order, to ban of HGVs from the Town Centre, that would require a public enquiry. The Town Clerk advised there had been general support. A walk through had been planned to consider the potential signage. Hampshire County Council had had no objections and the police had confirmed they would look to ensure the signage was sufficient to enable the scheme to be self-enforcing as much as possible.


Cllr Cockburn’s comments regarding the importance of Farnham’s Conservation Area Management Plan (FCAMP) were clarified in the context of Waverley proposal for electric car chargers and cycle shelters. The latter were considered inappropriate in terms of design and location by Cllrs Cockburn, Hesse and Beaman. 


Cllr Cockburn proposed a letter be written to Waverley requesting that proposals in the Conservation Area car parks be considered by the Town Council and FCAMP.


It was RESOLVED nem con that,

The Town Clerk write a letter to Waverley Borough Council to object against the design and location of the cycle shelter in the Conservation Area and request further consultation to find something more suitable for Farnham.   


The Working Group had discussed the planters in the Town Centre. The Leader advised the Programme Team would be considering an exit strategy, but no decisions had been made. 



Cllr Mirylees updated Council on the meeting of Younger Persons Task Group held on 12th March.  Two young people from North Farnham that had engaged with Councillors regarding youth facilities they would like to see in the area, would be invited to attend a future meeting. The Task Group would be looking to develop a project plan at its next meeting to provide a clear focus for the forthcoming year.



The Leader reported on the Asset Task Group on behalf of Cllr Attfield. The refurbishment of the Central Car Park toilets is recommended to Council for approval.  Cllr Mirylees asked for clarification on the scope of the works. Cllr Dunsmore who had reviewed the proposals confirmed the existing facilities fall short of the modern standards. The works would refurbish the wall and floor coverings, replace doors and sanitaryware, and improve the handwash facilities. The costs also include surveyor fees to manage the works. 


It was RESOLVED unanimously,

To proceed with the refurbishment of the Central Car Park toilets at a cost of £90,000.



The Leader advised improvements to the play area in Gostrey Meadow were completed within existing budgets. Plans were received and reviewed from West Waddy Architects on proposals for the Hale Chapels. A future meeting of the Assets Task Group and Cemeteries and Appeals Working Group would consider the proposals in more detail. Officers were awaiting further scaled drawings from the Ridgeway School on the revised location of the Café. The West Street Cemetery Gates had been removed for refurbishment.  New CCTV cameras had been installed at Gostrey Meadow and in South Street outside the Methodist Church. 


Cllr Hesse enquired whether there had been any progress with discussions with the Bishops’ Meadow Trustees about the provision of CCTV. The Town Clerk confirmed Officers had contacted the Trust and details of the Council’s CCTV contractor shared. An offer to link to the Council’s CCTV infrastructure at the Depot scheme had been made but the cost of new cameras would fall to the Trustees as it is private land. There had been no further approach to the Town Council since their discussion with the CCTV provider.


The Leader highlighted the discussions held on public and community assets. A paper would be produced summarising the Council’s view on their future.


Cllr Attfield joined the meeting.


Cllr Hesse enquired why Tice’s Meadow had not been considered suitable as a SANG. Cllr Merryweather confirmed the SANG potential of the site was under active investigation. Cllr Cockburn considered a wider discussion about SANG capacity would be helpful since unless additional SANG provision was identified, development with green space provision would get priority at Appeals and the Town would be vulnerable to speculative development. The Town Clerk advised the wider Government Policy of SANG provision could raised with NALC and through Waverley the LGA.


It was agreed to refer SANG provision and the wider policy discussion to the Infrastructure Planning Group with a view to developing a collaborative approach with Waverley Borough Council and other Councils in the area, all of whom were affected by Government Policy.