Agenda item

Strategy & Finance Working Group


Cllr Neale introduced the detailed notes of the Strategy & Finance Working Group that had been held on 20th July.


i)               The Working Group had received and considered the detailed finance papers for the first quarter of 2021-22 covering the bank reconciliation and the detail income and expenditure reports.  They were as expected and the release of the earmarked reserve for the Sea Cadets grant had been agreed.  In terms of the Book and Literary festival Strategy & Finance agreed to recommend the budget request of the Tourism and Events Working Group.


            It was RESOLVED nem con that the budget for the Book and Literary Festival be £10,000 and that the town Clerk make the necessary virements from within the existing budget.


ii)              The leader gave an update on the work of the Farnham Infrastructure Programme and the meeting of all councillors on the Infrastructure Programme Board that had taken place on 15th July to provide initial feedback on the ‘quick wins’ (now short and medium term interventions) draft, communications and the likely timetable for the high level presentation to the Department for Transport on the proposals for the A31 Farnham Corridor (including Hickleys Corner. 


Cllr Cockburn reiterated her concern that these elements seemed to be progressing without input from the town to which Cllr Neale responded that he would make sure the Programme Team engaged with Farnham as best they could.  Cllr MacLeod confirmed that this was a high level submission and there would be full consultation on and detailed proposals.


Cllr Fraser also expressed concern on the implementation of the HGV restrictions.  He said he was angry that they were being implemented without consultation and would leave HGVs still using Alma Lane.  The community had fought for years for alleviation of the volume and type of traffic, and he felt the proposals should be stopped as they were based on superficial information.


Cllr MacLeod advised there had been consultation on the HGV proposals and the Surrey officers had advised the restrictions should limit vehicles on Alma Lane.  The Town Clerk added that the initial signage would start on the Hampshire side of the Beacon Hill Road roundabout and that the programme team had advised the impact of the new scheme would be reviewed and adapted if required.


Cllr Beaman said whilst the HGV ban may not be perfect it should be implemented and expanded if it could be improved further.


Cllr Neale advised that other projects were progressing including developing 20MPH zones, road reclassification and the wayfinding proposals.  Council noted the work done to date and commented that the signs needed to be of good quality and appropriate for the conservation area but the proposals were acceptable in principle.


            It was RESOLVED nem con that sign off on placement be delegated to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Leader and Lead Member of Tourism & Events.


            In terms of the ‘quick wins’/short and medium term interventions, Council noted the initial list was work in progress and that there would be workshops with FTC in August for the Council to form its view. Cllr Neale advised that county Councillor Catherine Powell had prepared a separate matrix which would be discussed and Cllr Martin advised that this was just a starting list for wider consultation.


            The Town Clerk advised that there was time to adapt the priority list ahead of a briefing/workshop event for FTC with the Infrastructure Programme Team which was scheduled for 5th September.


iii)             Cllr Cockburn, as representative on the Biodiversity Action Plan Group introduced the proposed policy which has been recommended to Council by the Strategy & Finance Working Group.  She commended it to Council.  Cllr Dickson was disappointed it had not been discussed at the Community Enhancement Working Group in detail and asked that her objection be recorded.


It was resolved, with one objection, that the Biodiversity Policy, attached at Annex 1 to these minutes, be adopted.


iv)             Cllr Mirylees spoke to the work of the Young People’s Task Group and the events scheduled for the summer.  She also updated Council on progress on the Youth Shelter for Borelli Walk.


v)              Cllr Neale provided an update on other Task Groups including the Cultural Project Task Group and advised that consultants Bonnar Keenlyside had started their project.  He also advised that the Riverside Sculpture Task Group had met and the brief for the commission was being prepared for distribution in September. In terms of the Trees and Hedgerows Task Group time was of the essence.  The Town Clerk advised that officers were working with Surrey County Council to submit a bid for additional trees and hedgerows across Farnham to the Urban Tree Fund.


Cllr Neale advised that the draft  Surrey Local Transport Plan 4 (circulated to all councillors) was open for consultation until October 24th.  The plan set out the measures to tackle key transport issues, improving public transport, road safety and pollution for all modes of transport. Achieving carbon net zero would mean a step change in how transport was planned delivered and maintained. Comments can be made at   Council noted that the Infrastructure Planning Task Group would be meeting to review LPT4 and prepare the Council’s response.


vi)             Council noted that the Boundary Commission was reviewing Waverley’s wards and had agreed to reduce the number of Waverley councillors from 57 to 50.  The implications for this would likely be a reduction of wards in Farnham from 9 to 8 and the Boundary Commission would be preparing proposals for consultation in the autumn.


vii)            Cllr Neale advised that FTC had been advised that the Independent Remuneration Panel was undertaking a periodic Review of Waverley Members’ allowances. The Panel also can review allowances for town and parish councillors.


Council noted that Farnham Councillors had never taken up the option for allowances apart from the Mayor for his civic duties.  Council also noted that the Working Group thought would be useful to await the outcomes of the Panel’s work in the autumn before discussing further and seek information on how other Councils the size of Farnham operated. If appropriate, after further discussion by Council, a review of Farnham might be considered in 2022.


viii)           Cllr Neale advised that the Working Group had held its usual discussion on contract and assets matters noting issues with the Town Council lift; progress on the greenhouse insurance claim and an issue with the CCTV pedestrian counting software.  It was agreed to recommend continuation of the contract with Ellis Whittam for Employment law, HR and Health and Safety advice for a five year period at a discounted rate.


            It was RESOLVED  nem con that the Employment Law, HR and Health & Safety Support Contract with Ellis Whittam be continued for a five year period at a reduced cost of £1,895 per annum.


ix)             Council noted the matters in the Town Clerk’s update and the motion from the Surrey Clerk’s Branch that any proposals to create new unitary councils should be accompanied with legislation to ensure there were Town and Parish Councils covering the new unitary areas.

            It was RESOLVED  nem con that

i)       Farnham Town Council supports the Surrey SLCC proposal that any new unitary areas be completely parished in order that there be democratic equity; and

ii)      This proposal be raised with NALC and others.