Agenda item

Strategy & Finance


Cllr Neale introduced the notes of the Strategy & Finance Working Group held on 7th and 10th September at Appendix B. 


i)            The recommendation for a grant of £500 to the organisers of the Pilgrim Marathon was agreed.

ii)          Council noted arrangements to tender the West Street Cemetery Gates.


Cllr Cockburn declared an interest and absented herself for discussion on the next item.


iii)         Council reviewed the revised location for the café in Gostrey Meadow proposed by the Ridgeway School and discussed an additional option that Farnham Town Council investigate whether it should undertake the proposed works and lease the completed building to the Ridgeway School.  The removal of the dilapidated old pavilion was also agreed ready for the moving of the Borelli Shelter in future.

It was RESOLVED  nem con:

1)     The Town Clerk discuss options further with Ridgeway School;

2)    Approval forCouncil to construct the building as an alternative to Ridgeway be agreed;

3)    The Town Clerk be authorised to go to the Public Loans Board to outline a request for funding to build of the Cafe in Gostrey Meadow; and

4)     The old Bowling Green Pavilion and fencing be removed.


iv)         Council noted that the tenders for the refurbishment of the Victoria Road Public Conveniences refurbishment were being prepared, and that TUPE information for the in-sourcing of the offices and public convenience cleaning contract was awaited. Council further noted the latest position with the Hale Chapels and the Community meeting that had been held to offer the opportunity for the community to raise the funds for a full refurbishment.  A representative of the Farnham Society was meeting with Cllr Fraser to consider whether there were any unexplored opportunities.


v)          Council discussed the proposal to formalise permission for fishing in Gostrey Meadow now the Council had taken responsibility for the area and following concerns raised about the safety of visitors to the Meadow.  It was noted that informal fishing had taken place over many years and that a trial arrangement in a designated zone should be made provided those fishing had the relevant Environment Agency licence.

It was RESOLVED, with Cllr Dickson and Fraser objecting, that:

1)    A fishing Zone be designated under the trees in Gostrey Meadow with appropriate signage;

2)    Anyone fishing be required to have the appropriate Environment Agency licence; and

3)    The new arrangement be kept under review.


vi)         Council received the report of the FCAMP walk-round meeting with Sarah Wells and Sophie Piper looking at the proposed 20MPH zone signage and ev charger points.  It had been agreed that the bollards should be conservation area style.  Significant concern had been raised about the impact of the potential build outs in Castle Street proposed by Surrey CC to manage the 20MPOH Zone.


The location and style of the proposed bike shelters was also discussed. Council felt it was important to support local business and crafts people in the design in the conservation area and that any new shelter was cleaned and maintained.  With Cllr Fraser abstaining, it was RESOLVED nem con:

1)    The location for the bike shelter be the former ‘Bring’ site in Victoria Road Car Park;

2)    The shelter be built with high quality materials ideally by a local craftsperson;

3)    Waverley undertake to clean and maintain the shelter.


vii)            Council was updated on the work of other Task Groups including the Younger People Task Group, the Cultural Projects Task Group, and the Riverside Sculpture Task Group.  It was noted that the commission for the Riverside Sculpture would soon be published and councillors were encouraged to suggest names and circulate details as widely as possible.


viii)           Cllr Neale introduced a proposal to extend the role of the Farnham Conservation Area Management Plan Group to incorporate all of the town’s Conservation Areas and include its work within a Town Council Task Group replacing the current informal arrangements of FCAMP and with wider membership reflecting the other conservation areas. With Cllr Cockburn abstaining, it was RESOLVED nem con that:

1)      A new Farnham Conservation Areas Task Group be created;

2)      The Town Clerk draw up Terms of Reference; and

3)      Membership include representation of all Farnham conservation areas, statutory bodies and organisations with an interest in conservation and historic buildings.


ix)             Council noted its responsibilities to appoint Trustees to the Dempster Trust noting the relevant extract from the Trust Deed.  Jon Curtis JP Chairman of the Dempster Trust had proposed that the Trustee body comprise George Alford, Peter Jeans JP, Paul Whitlock, Cathryn Trezise with two co-opted Trustees: Keith Newman, Alan Hunt.  Noting that the balance of trustees might need to be reviewed for future nominations to ensure it was in accordance with charity commission expectations:

            It was RESOLVED nem con that the Trustees of the Dempster Trust be approved.


x)              Council noted the arrangements in hand to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Deed of Friendship with Andernach; the Queen’s Jubilee Weekend in 2022; and the rededication of the War Memorial as part of Remembrance Sunday.


xi)             Council considered the detailed reports attached at Annex 2 and Annex 3 to Appendix B with details of the proposed response to Surrey County Council on the Farnham Infrastructure Programme Short and Medium Term Interventions (formerly known as ‘quick wins’). Cllr Neale said the Working Group had worked through issues discussed over the summer led by the County Councillors with additional inputs received in advance of the meeting by other councillors.  It was noted that individual councillors or groups of councillors were not delegated authority to speak on matters in their own wards and Council had to come to a collective view.  Overall, Council felt that the analysis on responses to the public consultation put forward by the consultants at the joint Councillor briefing had been disappointing as they seemed to propose more studies rather than action. Council noted that the outline proposals for the A31 corridor would not now be presented by Surrey to the Department for Transport until November. 


The following points were made to enhance the response:

a)     Cllr Merryweather congratulated everyone for the work done to date but was very disappointed that Badshot Lea and Weybourne were not even on the map for action in the new 20MPH zones.  Whilst he agreed with the detail of problems with overgrown routes, there was a broader point that infrastructure would be improved if it were maintained and matters of enforcement and drainage were addressed.

b)     Council noted that the comments attributed to Waverley Borough Council which had not been formally adopted should be removed from the compiled response.

c)     Cllr MacLeod considered the Borough was critical to the connection between Castle Street and Brightwells and the narrow parts should receive some attention rather than all the focus being on Castle Street and Downing Street.

d)     Cllr Hesse was concerned that Surrey and the Consultants appeared to be pushing back on the ‘café culture’ ideas and a trail should be implemented without delay.

e)     Cllr Ward said it was positive that FTC was putting forward ideas for agreement and felt ath with some adjustments, Annex 2 was a good document for sending but Annex 3 needed additional input from councillors. He suggested that 20MPH zones should be targeted but extended to cover all schools and the Wrecclesham Bridge and that the initial; list should be expressed as being in no particular order as all were important and Café Culture was not the top priority in his view.

f)      Cllr Dickson agreed that these were positive proposals but the ‘devil was in the detail’ and suggested some changed to Annex 3 to reflect concerns in Hale and Upper Hale around Willow Way and the Alma Lane junction.


Cllr Hesse proposed, seconded by Cllr Mirylees, that the order of priorities supported by FTC be as in Annex 2. 


Cllr Ward proposed seconded by Cllr Cockburn, that the list be amended and that the first item be moved to the bottom of the list and but that it be deemed as not in any particular order of priority. The amendment was carried with 7 in favour, five against and 2 abstaining and

It was RESOLVED nem con that Annex 2 be submitted to Surrey County Council.


g)     After further discussion, it was agreed that comments on Annex 3 which needed further work be submitted to the Town Clerk by the end of the following week and that the Town Clerk prepare an amended version based on the discussion at Council and comments received.