Cllr Neale introduced the notes of the Strategy & Finance Working Group meeting (at Appendix B to the agenda) held on 7th December.
a) Contracts and Assets
Council noted actions taken by the Town Clerk under the scheme of delegation. Four tenders were received for the West Street Cemetery Gates, with prices ranging from £41,323 to £118,874. After evaluation and references the contract was awarded to Lost Art of Wigan at a cost of £41,323. Additional costs would apply (to be contained within the agreed budget) relating to some resurfacing of the tarmac entrance to allow the refurbished gates to close
Council noted five tenders were received for the Central Car Park Toilet refurbishment with prices ranging from£143,085 to £221,477. After tender evaluation by the Council’s advisors Drake & Kannemeyer with arithmetical errors adjusted and references taken, the tender was awarded to Endwell Contracts at a cost of £143,085.
Council received updates on the cleaning contract, the greenhouse, and the Youth Shelter.
It was RESOLVED nem con that
1) the actions taken by the Town Clerk in issuing the two contracts be endorsed.
2) that a sum of up to £5,000 be allocated to install the hoggin path by the youth shelter to be met from the maintenance budget.
b) Task Groups
Council received updates from the Young People’s Task Groups, and the Cultural Projects Task Group. The latter had considered the report of Bonnar Keenleyside on the potential for a new Cultural attraction for Farnham.
Council discussed the findings and future opportunities to underpin World Craft Town status and move it to the next level including
· The benefit of a new structure to drive forward the focus of Farnham as a World Craft City, with more representation of makers involved;
· The need to develop the online offer and raise awareness of what Farnham offers (similar points were identified as part of the assessors feedback of the World Craft Town application)
· The need for the evolving organisation to be underpinned by the Town Council but supported by those with an entrepreneurial stake but with a clear focus.
· Brightwells did not appear to offer a primary location at this stage based on feedback received, but other buildings could be repurposed. This required further engagement with and support of both the County Council and Borough Council.
· The opportunity to create a ten-year strategy and to seek some further Arts Council funding to underpin the development recognising the importance of demonstrating diversity.
It was RESOLVED nem con
1) That the report carried out by Bonnar Keenlyside be welcomed;
2) That the recommendations and actions contained within the report be progressed with a further report going back to Strategy & Finance via the Task Group;
3) The Craft Town Co-ordinator be employed for additional days throughout the year to extend awareness and programming for Craft Month throughout the year; and
4) An application be developed in conjunction with the Farnham Maltings for submission to the Arts Council to underpin the programmed development.
c) Farnham Infrastructure Programme
Cllr Neale provided an update on the latest position of the Farnham Infrastructure Programme and detailed the consultation of the 20MPH zones. The Working Group welcomed the 20MPH scheme in general but had expressed concern about the consultation purporting to have the support of the Town Council when the Town Council had submitted several significant concerns about what was proposed for Castle Street with build outs and street furniture conflicting with listed buildings. The suggested detail of the Council’s response was set out on pages 4 and 5 of the notes of the Strategy & Finance Working Group. Council added concern over speed humps particularly in the conservation area but also in other areas.
In terms of the consultation on the Wrecclesham and Western Bypass, Council noted the challenges of delivering the scheme in the current climate and understood the economic and environmental case made it difficult to progress, but there was a strong view that the scheme should be kept as part of the strategic objective even if it could not progress at this particular time. It was noted that the FIP could not progress without funding and the Western Bypass in particular was a difficult funding proposition. It was also noted that the circumstances of the Scott Wilson report previously were very different now, with significant development taking place in East Hampshire District Council just across the border. Farnham should be arguing for what Farnham needs with collaboration with Hampshire CC and lobbying of MPs. There was no doubt that the only thing that would relieve Wrecclesham was a relief road and the only matter for debate was which route should be followed. Cllr Mirylees advised that this view may not, however, be shared by younger members of the community who were very concerned about climate change impacts.
Cllr Fraser reiterated the need for a meeting of Farnham Councillors only with the FIP Programme team as had been promised, and other councillors expressed the view that Farnham Town Council, and the Leader as its representative on the Board, needed to be more vociferous in articulating priorities and the concerns raised.
It was noted that the Farnham Infrastructure Programme referred some matters to the Waverley Local Committee, but Town and Parish Councils were not represented on that committee so the FTC voice was not effectively represented.
Council was also concerned that the documents submitted to the Department for Transport relating to the A31 corridor had not been shared with partners or even the FIP Board members. Cllr Hesse commented that whilst there was a need to promote the interests of the Council as a whole, the centre of Farnham should shine as a beacon of quality and there was a need to push for the best that can be delivered for the town as a whole.
Cllr Beaman proposed, Cllr Neale seconded, an amendment to the proposal from Strategy & Finance which became the substantive motion, and it was RESOLVED nem con:
1) the response to the 20MPH Zone consultation on pages 4 and 5 of the Strategy and Finance Notes be agreed; and
2) FTC notes the Atkins Technical Report but given the importance of connectivity between the A3 and M3, Farnham Town Council seeks agreement for Surrey County Council to have the Strategic Link Road kept as a priority on the Major Road Network programme and also seeks collaboration with Hampshire County Council to achieve this objective.
d) Finance report
` Cllr Neale introduced the Finance Report which included a series of recommendations on grants and the proposed budget and precept Strategy being addressed as a separate item on the agenda.
It was RESOLVED nem con that:
1) £1,900 be awarded to the Aston Defibrillator Fund, from within the balance of 2021/22 grants.
2) the request by Frensham Ponds Sailability to reallocate the approved funding towards a replacement boat be agreed.
3) Farnham Town Council launch an appeal with Hoppa to fund a third electric bus to be match funded from the Government grants;
4) A sum of £20,000 be earmarked from the 2021/22 environmental initiatives budget to match fund community contributions;
5) FTC seek funding from Surrey County Council, Waverley Borough Council and other organisations to meet the balance of the costs.
e) FTC Strategy Workshop
Cllr Neale introduced the notes of the Strategy Workshop held in November to assist with the development of the 2022/23 budget and Council programme. Overall, councillors did not wish to reduce any services or divert resources to other areas but wished to concentrate on current activity and continuously improve where possible.
The series of points raised at the workshop, reinforcing the Council Vision, as set out on page 8 of the Strategy & Finance Notes were accepted with specific items noted as: Engage further with UCA; Support community safety and well-being; Extend Young people focus; Extend World Craft Town focus; Improve communication and website; Continue to work with business community on development of a Business Improvement District; Focus on the Infrastructure Programme and other Infrastructure matters; Consideration of the wider public estate (properties held by other public bodies). It was suggested another workshop be held in the Spring of 2022.
Cllr Hesse asked that it be recorded that he did not support the idea of a café in Gostrey Meadow.
It was RESOLVED nemcon :
1) The outcomes of the Strategy Workshop be endorsed;
2) A further Strategy workshop be held in the spring of 2022.
Cllr Mirylees and Cllr Merryweather left the meeting for the next item with Cllr Merryweather commenting that some matters/omissions in the Leader’s briefing paper on the Museum needed to be corrected.
f) Farnham Museum
Cllr Neale updated Council on the work of the Museum Task Group that had met with consultants Bowles Green who had been appointed by Waverley Borough Council to seek views on the future of the Museum. He also advised that a follow-up meeting of the Task Group with WBC and other partners was scheduled for January 2022. Cllr Neale was concerned that FTC was being treated as a consultee just like any other consultee and not as a partner council and this put the Town Council in a difficult position. There was no information on proposals coming from the Borough Council until the consultants had concluded their report on options. Cllr Edmonds was concerned that the annual maintenance costs were not clear, and Cllr Attfield observed that it appeared the current problems had occurred because maintenance costs had not been invested for many years.
g) Consultations
i) Cllr Neale updated Council on the Waverley Community Governance Review noting that ward councillors had been invited to a meeting in January. Other councillors noted that the desk based review had not been an equal or fair process.
ii) Council noted FTC had responded to the consultation advising it wished to be an active participant and drawing attention to matters highlighted in the Neighbourhood Plan.