Agenda item

Approval of End of Year Accounts 2021-22

The following papers are to be read in conjunction with the minutes of the Strategy and Finance Working Group held on April 19th 2022 and are for formal approval by the Council prior for submission to the External Auditor. 

i)             To receive a report on the 2021/22 OutturnAppendix D

ii)            To receive the Summary 2021/22 Income and Expenditure OutturnAppendix Ei, Eii

iii)           To receive and agree the draft Report and Financial Statements for 2021/22 and earmarked reserves at 31st March 2022Appendix F

iv)           To consider the final Internal Auditor’s Report for the Year Ended 31 March 2022

and accept the issues raised                                                                     Appendix G

v)             To approve the Annual Governance Statement (Section 1 of Annual Governance and Accountability Return)                                                                    Appendix H

vi)           To approve the variances list between the 2020/21 and 2021/22 Annual Returns as required.                                                                    Appendix I

vii)          To approve the Annual Governance and Accountability Return for the Year Ended

31st March 2022 for signature and submission for External Audit       Appendix J


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