1) To receive the notes and any recommendations of the following Working Groups:
i) Tourism and Events held on12th October 2022Appendix B
ii) Strategy and Finance held on 14th October 2022Appendix C
2) To receive a verbal update from:
i) The informal Community Enhancement Working Group meeting on 7th September which was not quorate; and
ii) The Cemeteries and Appeals visit to West Street Cemetery on 29th September .
i) Tourism and Events held on12th October 2022 Appendix B
Cllr Mirylees introduced the meetings of the Tourism and Events meeting that took place on 12th October at Appendix B to the agenda.
The Discover Farnham app commissioned through the Welcome Back fund was live and officers had met with Simon Aeppli of the University for the Creative Arts who designed a Ghost Trail for the app, which flags all the history in Farnham. This was being launched on 29 October and other trails already installed include trees, and craft.
Cllr Mirylees also mentioned that lots of arts and crafts information for Craft month and World Craft Town was available through the site www.farnhamcrafttown.com.
It was noted that the Literary Festival in 2023 was going ahead but the Gin Festival 2022 had been cancelled as it was due to take place during the period of National Mourning for the Queen.
Cllr Mirylees concluded by advising that in 2023, there were plans for a Festival of Light as part of Craft Month and Christmas events.
Cllr Merryweather spoke about Pierrepont Farm bewery, which is outside of Farnham but very close by and of interest to the town, and the cancelling of the lease by the Countryside Regeneration Trust in favour of another new brewery. He proposed a motion that the Town Council express concern and offer support to Frensham Parish Council to ensure a positive outcome for the existing brewery who had done so much to create a successful business on site. The proposal was SECONDED by Cllr Cockburn.
It was RESOLVED nem con to express concern and offer support to Frensham Parish Council to ensure a positive outcome for Craft Brews at Pierrepont Farm.
ii) Strategy and Finance held on 14th October 2022
Cllr Evans introduced the notes of the Strategy and Finance Working Group notes from 14th October at Appendix C to the agenda.
a) The Finance Report had been discussed in detail. Cllr Evans recommended the unqualified external audit for 2021/22 for approval by Council.
It was RESOLVED unanimously to welcome the External Auditor’s 2021/22 report.
b) Council considered the detail of the latest Trial Balance and Budget Comparisons, the current reserves level, and the Income and Expenditure to 30th September by both account code and Committee which were on target for this time of year despite the cancellation of the Gin Festival as a result of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Cllr Evans explained that the Strategy and Finance Working Group had agreed to review the Christmas Light contract in 2023 and an increased provision for energy costs would be made in the coming budget as a result of the challenges being faced.
The Statement of Investments was noted, as was the discussion at Strategy and Finance regarding the fact that HSBC was no longer offering a relationship manager and that a banking review would be undertaken.
The Aged Debtors list had been reviewed with potentially three invoices totalling £350 which may need to be written down. Council was reminded the BACS and payment files were available for inspection by councillors. It was noted that the Council’s financial software (Rialtas Business Systems) had been bought by Harris Computer Incorporation and there were no expected difficulties as a result of the change.
Cllr Evans congratulated officers on the way they handle the financial affairs.
c) The Strategy and Finance Working Group had reviewed a grant application from 40 Degreez to support youth outreach work.
It was RESOLVED nem con that a grant of £2,500 be provided for the two roles in the application and that this be reviewed after 6 months.
It was noted a grant of £500 had been agreed at the September meeting for the Pilgrim Marathon that took place in September
d) The Town Clerk added that there were some financial recommendations to take from the September meeting.
It was RESOLVED nem con that:
i) Standing Orders (contracts) be waived for specialist tree work in West Street Cemetery by Cedardale at a cost of £3,885;
ii) A tree carver be commissioned to create a suitable carving on the remaining part of the tree; and
iii) A budget of £10,000 be agreed to undertake urgent works to trees following the tree survey with the final decision on contractors delegated to the Town Clerk once the final quotation had been received.
e) Cllr Beaman provided an update on the Farnham Infrastructure Programme, confirming that the Town Council’s submission had been sent to Surrey CC as agreed at the last Council. Council was disappointed to note that the Board had not met since June and that the latest meeting had been deferred until December 16th.
f) Co-option of Councillor for Wrecclesham and Rowledge
Council considered the arrangements for the co-option of a councillor following the resignation of Cllr Edmonds and RESOLVED nem con to endorse the process outlined.
g) Infrastructure Planning Group
It was noted that Locality had not yet responded to further enquiries regarding the Neighbourhood Plan and that a positive meeting had taken place between the Town Council and Waverley officers regarding the Design Statement and the Neighbourhood Plan.
Cllr Cockburn sad that some progress had been made on the review of the Neighbourhood Plan, including reviewing other Neighbourhood Plans such as Brixworth which was updated without a referendum.
Council noted Waverley Borough Council had now sent a new set of amendments to the Farnham Design Statement (more than 8 months since the update had been sent to them). The changes were minor and would be updated speedily.
h) Cllr Beaman emphasised that the comments had been received following the positive meeting the Town Clerk had described and that a follow up meeting was being arranged with the Joint Head of Waverley and Guildford, at which the Neighbourhood Plan would also be discussed.
Young people Task Group
i) Since the meeting of the Strategy and Finance Working Group, the Young People Task Group had met. Cllr Mirylees updated that the youth leader from Godalming had attended to update on their work where he had been doing brilliant work with young people. It was noted that this youth worker would be visiting 40 Degreez to provide some guidance and had offered a visit to Godalming to see the work happening there.
The Town Clerk paid credit to Godalming Town Council for their evolving youth work and noted that they had a three-year project which had seen an agreed increase in precept of £10 per band D to facilitate this work. It was noted that youth work in Farnham would be discussed at the upcoming Strategy Day.
j) Riverside Sculpture Task Group
Cllr Cockburn said she had visited the community engagement event the previous week and that it had been very popular.
k) Museum Task Group
The minutes of the last meeting were noted, as was the submission by Waverley of an application to the MEND scheme, a decision for which was expected in March 2023. The FTC pledge included an earmarked reserve of £15,000 for fitting out the inside of the museum after the MEND project was concluded.
l) HR Panel
The Town Clerk had commission the agreed grading review and once completed this would be considered by the HR Panel.
m) Coronation Task Group
Council noted the Coronation of King Charles III would take place on 6th May 2023 It was RESOLVED nem con Group to create a Coronation Task Group, consisting of 5 members from Strategy and Finance and Tourism and Events, Cllrs Mirylees, Hesse, Cockburn, Evans and Martin. It was noted that the Task Group would report to the Strategy and Finance Working Group.
Cllr Evans advised that the Farnham Society had written to the Town Council offering to purchase a beacon brazier for such ceremonial and civic events, ideally one that would be locally manufactured.
n) Contracts and Assets
Council noted the West Street Cemetery gates were to be completed in early November and the new Town Hall boiler had been installed. Council also noted the Council had experienced some significant IT issues as a result of the failure of an uninterruptable powers supply following a power surge and options for improved resilience were being investigated.
o) Civility & Respect Pledge
Following the adoption of the new Code of Conduct, Council considered the proposal to adopt the new Civility & Respect Pledge which had been developed by the National Association of Local Councils and the Society of Local Council Clerks. There was concern that the pledge may stifle debate or humour in the chamber but the Town Clerk advised it reinforced the principles already in the FTC councillor staff policies and was a positive statement of the commitment of the Council
It was RESOLVED unanimously that the Civility & Respect pledge be signed and adopted.
p) Council RESOLVED nem con that Peter Greenyer and Mrs Emily Joyce (current treasurer) be appointed by Farnham Town Council to the FarnhamInstitute Charityto serve a new four year term (2022-2026) as Trustees.
iii) Community Enhancement
Council noted an informal discussion took place on 7th September as the meeting was not quorate
iv) Cemeteries & Appeals
Cllr Cockburn reported that the Group had met in West Street Cemetery on 29th September to review the cemetery and observe tree works and commented that the cemetery was looking very good and credited the team.
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