To receive the notes and any recommendations of the following Working Groups:
i) Environment held on 27th September 2023 Appendix B
ii) Community held on 11th October 2023 Appendix C
iii) Strategy and Resources held on 17th October 2023 Appendix D
Cllr Brown introduced the Notes of the Environment Working Group at Appendix B to the agenda. The Working group had received a presentation from Dr John Lewis on Plastic Free Farnham and work done by officers to date in reducing plastic use was noted.
There had also been an excellent presentation by Carolyn McKenzie, the Director of Environment at Surrey County Council who had mentioned how well Farnham had been doing in addressing climate issues. The Working Group had reviewed two ‘mind maps’ which set out activities undertaken so far and where further progress could be made.
On a proposal to Council it was RESOLVED nem con that
1) A Town Climate Action plan be prepared
2) A Task Group for Climate Change be appointed.
It was agreed that Cllrs Brown, Hesse, White and Woodhouse form the core members and noted that external participants would be included as required.
Cllr White reported that he had had a meeting with Jen Smallwood of Carbon Zero Guildford about the idea of a climate change network and other matters. These would be discussed at the Task Group.
ii) Cllr Brown advised the Working Group had received a report on parks and open spaces and had made a recommendation to Council that two tree stumps and a log be carved with suitable environmental images. The Business and Facilities Manager advised Council that the cost for removing the trees and stumps would cost in the region of £5,000 and, after discussion, it was RESOLVED (with one abstention) that tree carvings in West Street Cemetery and Gostrey Meadow be undertaken at a cost of no more than £8,000, with the costs split between the Gostrey Meadow and Cemeteries budgets.
iii) Cllr Brown reported that he had attended the South and South East in Bloom Awards ceremony which had been excellent. Farnham had been up against a lot of competition but performed brilliantly with awards for biodiversity climate change and sustainability as well as the nine golds and five best in category awards. Council noted the revamped Community Group and ideas for 2024 which were emerging. Council also noted the work programme for the cemeteries and that the annual invoices for allotments were being sent.
iv) In terms of Street furniture, Cllr Brown advised of the scheme for vinyl wrapping to prolong the life of the bus stops. Cllr Dickson reported that the litter bins in Alma Lane were not closed in and were emptied by foxes. It was agreed to raise this with Waverley Borough Council. Council noted the problem with litter bins in general and that there were many occasions when the barrow man was not to be found in town. After discussion on the importance of this service which Farnham Town Council had previously indicated an interest in taking on it was proposed by Cllr Woodhouse, Seconded by Cllr Dickson and RESOLVED unanimously that Farnham Town Council bids to take on the barrow-man service under contract from Waverley.
v) Council noted the proposed new nominations for the Notable Names of Farnham wall and on the recommendation of the Working Group it was RESOLVED unanimously that the following names be added: Author Edgar Austin Mittelholzer; UN land mine champion and former Mayor of Farnham Brigadier Paddy Blagden CBE; founders of the Rural Life Living Museum Madge and Henry Jackson MBE; and distinguished illustrator (including Lord of the Rings and Narnia), Pauline Baynes.
vi) Cllr White noted that over recent years, Farnham Town Council had introduced sustainable processes in many of its activities from management of its green spaces, planting perennial flowers and pollinating plants, grant aiding the electric Hopper Bus Service and an introductory financial support scheme for sustainable community and environmental initiatives. there was much more to do and he said now was the time to promote Farnham Town Council`s sustainability credentials and publish an Action Plan for the future and
Help constituents understand the urgent need for a sustainable Farnham.
Cllr White advised that he had been invited by the Chair (Cllr Steve Williams of Godalming) to join the WBC Climate Change Working Group which involves many of the parties referred to in the recent Environment Working Group. It was RESOLVED that Cllr White be the FTC nominated representative to the Waverley Climate Change Working Group with Cllr Hesse as reserve.
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