To receive the notes and any recommendations of the following Working Groups:
i) Community held on 10th January 2024 Appendix B
ii) Strategy and Resources held on 16th January 2024 Appendix C
To receive any verbal updates on the work of the Environment Working Group.
1 Community Working Group
a) Cllr Mirylees introduced the Notes of the Community Working Group at Appendix B to the agenda. Council noted the events that had taken place and welcomed the new events being planned including an extended Music in the Meadow focussing on folk/traditional music and a World Music event. Council noted that initial discussions had taken place with Reel Cinema over the possibility of hosting a gaming convention or competition in partnership with Farnham Town Council and UCA.
b) Cllr Mirylees explained that the Gin and Fizz Festival would not be progressed in 2024 because of clashes with other similar events but this would allow for development of other initiatives.
c) The Working Group had discussed the need for an improved visual presence and marketing for World Craft Town including a sculpture on Coxbridge roundabout. There was also an idea for a festival of light with lanterns being created by the community, and this concept was being considered for implementation.
d) Council noted the latest position for the Farnham Business Improvement District following the successful ballot in October. A Bid Manager was being recruited, the new company limited by guarantee being created and a more detailed business plan being prepared. FTC had agreed to provide a loan for expenditure until the first levy was received, subject to confirmed agreement for repayment.
On a recommendation from Cllr Hesse, seconded by Cllr Dickson, it was RESOLVED unanimously that Cllr Murray be the FTC observer on the Farnham BID.
e) Cllr Mirylees reported on discussions on Community Grants for 2024-25. There had been a series of discussions with organisations that receive a contribution to general running costs or projects and work to a light touch Service Level Agreement (SLA). Community grants of less than £2,000 for one-off projects also considered.
It was RESOLVED unanimously that the following grants be approved.
Organisation |
SLA grants 24/25 |
Farnham Maltings |
£10,000 |
Citizens Advice South West Surrey (CASWS) |
£20,000 |
40 degreez |
£5,000 (for general running costs only) |
Hale Community Centre |
£5,000 (for general running costs only) |
Hoppa Community Transport in Farnham |
£10,000 |
Brightwells Gostrey Centre |
£5,000 (for general running costs only) |
Space2grow |
£4,000 |
£59,000 |
One off grants from the Community Initiatives Fund 2023-24
Organisation |
Grant |
Farnham Repair Café/UCA |
£1,000 |
Farnham Youth Choir for World Choir games |
£4,000 |
I choose Freedom (Women’s Refuge) |
£2,000 |
Grants to be funded from Service budgets
Green Up Britain |
£415.00 (from FIB budget) |
Hale Carnival Committee |
£1,000.00 (from Events budget) |
Community Grants 2024-25
Name of organisation |
Farnham Town Council contribution |
Badshot Lea Community Association |
£1,100.00 |
Challengers |
£1,320.00 |
Creative Response |
£1,500.00 |
FADEG. Farnham Art & Design Education Group |
£600.00 |
Farnham Assist |
£600.00 |
Farnham Brass Band |
£195.00 |
Farnham Voices Together Community Choir |
£800.00 |
Farnham Youth Choir |
£1,000.00 |
Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity |
£1,000.00 |
Hive Helpers CIC |
£750.00 |
Home-Start in Waverley |
£1,500.00 |
Kind To Mind |
£500.00 |
New Ashgate Gallery Trust Ltd |
£2,000.00 |
Rowledge Tennis Club |
£1,000.00 |
Rural Life Living Museum |
£1,030.00 |
Weydon School |
£1,500.00 |
Wrecclesham Fete |
£500.00 |
£16,895.00 |
2 Strategy & Resources Working Group/
In introducing the Notes of the Strategy & Resources Working Group, attached at Appendix C to the Council agenda, Cllr White advised that the Precept report and the Risk Management reports would be considered separately.
a) Quarterly Finance. Council considered the quarterly finance review conducted robustly by the Working Group noting income was at 105% whilst expenditure was running at 74%. The review included the
· Bank Reconciliation
· Income and Expenditure Report by account code and Committee
· Statement of Investments
· Reserves
· Outstanding aged debtors
The Working Group also reviewed the proposed fees and charges (at Annex 1) and agreed the commissioned charged for the use of the SumUp machine would be absorbed within banking charges.
The 2024/25 Investment Strategy (at Annex 2) was agreed for recommendation to Council.
The dates for the closing of the 2023-24 accounts were agreed with papers going to the April Strategy & Resources and Council and the dates for public inspection agreed for recommendation to Council.
It was RESOLVED unanimously:
1) The 2024-25 Fees and Charges (at Annex 1) be adopted.
2) The Investment Strategy and 2024/25 Investment Plan (at Annex 2) be adopted.
3) The Dates for Public Inspection of the accounts in 2024 take place between Monday 3rd June and Friday 12th July.
b) Internal Auditor’s report. All councillors had received the Internal Auditor’s Interim report and the Officers’ comments on it. The first visit had covered the following:
• Review of opening balances and reporting of 22-23 audit opinion
• Follow up previous recommendations
• Testing of expenditure first 6 months of financial year
• Testing of income – first 6 months of financial year
• Risk management and insurance
• Budget monitoring reports
• Arrangements for inspection of accounts
• Bank reconciliations.
The Internal Auditor had advised that the Council continues to operate a satisfactory system of financial control and had a few recommendations for consideration by Council. The Officers’ recommendations at Annex 3 were recommended for adoption. It was agreed to increase the level of Fidelity insurance; to improve ease of access to the transparency data on the website through the website revie, and to review the potential use of electronic order pads.
It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the Officers’ recommendations on the Internal Auditor’s first report.
c) Financial Ombudsman’s Decision. Council noted the Financial Ombudsman’s report on a complaint submitted in April 2022 by Farnham Town Council into the refusal by HSBC to increase the Commercial Card limit as approved by Council, without a traceable personal financial check on one of the Council’s individual signatories despite their personal finances not being connected with the Council’s finances. The decision in the Ombudsman’s case (PNX-4672897-PON2) is that they have no jurisdiction in legislation to look into the complaint by Farnham Town Council. This clarification and decision has implications for all town and parish councils in the country and requires a change in the legislation or there will be no recourse for poor service or problems encountered by town and parish councils with financial institutions.
It was RESOLVED unanimously that Farnham Town Council raises the issue with the National Association of Local Councils and the local MP of the need to update the legislation to resolve the fact that town and parish councils have no access to the Financial Ombudsman to resolve financial disputes.
d) Farnham Infrastructure Programme. Cllr Beaman reported that the Council’s comments from the last Council on the town centre design had been submitted but FTC was yet to receive a response. There had been further discussions about the potential problems of the proposed in-line bustop. Cllr Hesse hoped that Cllr Beaman would use every effort to get the railings removed around town now the 20MPH zone had been implemented as everywhere was looking untidy.
Council noted that Cllr Oliver had expressed at desire at the Last FIP Board that work should commence in the summer of 2024 and that road space had been booked by Surrey.
e) Contracts and assets. Cllr White advised that the Working Group had reviewed the Assets Task Group’s consideration at a special meeting held on 11th January to which all councillors had been invited to bring councillors up to speed on plans for improvements in Gostrey Meadow. Cllr Fairclough, chair of the Task Group, advised that representatives of the Ridgeway School and their architects outlined their vision for the Café and playground and what they wanted for their pupils. The Task Group focussed on what it felt was needed ie a new playground and new toilets and did not feel it could deliver what the Ridgeway school wanted. The Working Group was quite clear it wanted to support the Ridgeway School and Cllr Murray was looking at options to help with other organisations in town such as the Spire Church and Jubilee café.
Cllr Hesse had proposed that street traders could be invited to Gostrey Meadow instead to trade on a hard standing and Cllr White suggested that a large canopy could be erected to provide cover for picnics and enjoy cover from the elements. Councillors felt this was a less risky solution for the Council.
Iain McCready confirmed he had discussed the outcome with the school and they were disappointed but welcomed the offer of support from Cllr Murray. They would consider the suggestion of a mobile unit that could be used in Gostrey Meadow and elsewhere.
Council supported the proposal from the Working Group to commission a new design.
It was RESOLVED unanimously that:
1) Plan A Architects be engaged to provide a series of drawings including a new toilet block, a new play area, an area for increased covered and uncovered storage for event equipment; a hard standing area suitable for concession use, and a covered area /canopy area;
2) FTC support Ridgeway School in achieving their aim of providing work opportunities for their students
f) Younger People Task Group. Cllr White reported on the presentation by the Town Clerk and Youth Services Manager at Godalming Town Council. Hearing their experience and recommendations was very helpful. It was important to make indicative or provisional allocations of funding. Council noted the desire to make an immediate impact with the funding agreed in the budget and that the additional provision and outreach in central Farnham was recommended to be earmarked for 40 Degrees; in north Farnham earmarked for the Hale Community Centre and some additional resource covering Wrecclesham and other parts of Farnham. Part of the focus would be to effectively reduce levels of anti social behaviour in the town recognising the significant reductions in financial support from SCC for youth facilities. Cllr Beaman had suggested Council would have to consider how far FTC was drawn into a situation that might require ever greater financial support and officer time to pick up responsibilities for which FTC had no statutory requirement to provide.
Council noted initial discussions had taken place with representatives of the Hale Community Centre, 40 Degreez and the pastor of Jubilee Church. A further report would go to the next cycle of meetings. The Working Group was concerned about the challenges facing 40 Degreez and considered how best to support them and agreed that Cllr Murray and the Mayor would have a further discussion with them.
It was RESOLVED unanimously that provisional allocations be:
1) £30,000 for additional town centre outreach earmarked for 40 Degreez as proposed in the SLA discussion;
2) £30,000 for activities/outreach in Hale and Wrecclesham (allocations to be determined).
3) £20,000 for research in 2024-25 on priorities, need and potential funding requirements by FTC for 2025 and beyond to continue to develop a future-proof strategy for youth organisations within the FTC area;
4) £10,000 for additional programmed activities by partners to provide sustained activity for younger people over the longer holiday periods.
Infrastructure Planning Group. An update on the Statutory Challenge on the Waverley Lane planning application was received by Council with details of Mr Justice Julian Knowles decision to hold a rolled up hearing attached at Appendix P. The ‘rolled up hearing ‘would have three elements. The first on whether the extension of time request submitted by FTC’s solicitor should be allowed. The second on whether the Aarhus Cost Capping Convention applied in this case and the third on the substantive merits of the request for leave to appeal. Council would discuss the detailed elements in exempt.
Council also noted the latest position with the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan and the Waverley Local Plan with a call for sites currently underway. There would need to be further discussion on what was considered a ‘strategic site’.
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