1) To receive the notes and any recommendations of the following Working Groups:
i) Community held 27th March 2024 Appendix B
ii) Strategy and Resources held on 15th April 2024 Appendix C
2) To receive a verbal update on any relevant matters from the Environment Working Group.
1 Community Working Group
The Mayor presented the report of the Community Working Group held on 27th March at Appendix B to the agenda. The Group had reviewed recent events including the successful Literary Festival, and plans for future events and projects including the 80th commemoration of D-Day and a Lantern Festival with ideas for a new film festival and gaming festival in conjunction with the UCA being developed. The Mayor advised that he would be co-ordinating the list of councillors attending the Council’s Information tent at future events.
The Mayor reported that the first Craft Town Residency, funded by the South Street Trust had been a great success, with glass artist Fiona Byrne sharing her skills with local makers and a commissioned piece of her work being gifted to the town.
2 Strategy & Resources
Cllr White introduced the Notes of the Strategy & Resources meeting held on 16th April, at Appendix C to the agenda.
2.1 The main item from the meeting, the end of year accounts was a separate item on the Council agenda but there were some separate finance matters to report. First, list of standing orders and direct debits for the year ahead were agreed, and continued support for the Children’s Business Fair through the provision on gazebos and tables was agreed. A grant request for Sight for Surrey was not supported on this occasion but a future application would be welcomed.
2.2 The Working Group received the Timetable for meetings for 2024-25 which had been circulated to all councillors. Invitations to meetings would be sent via Customer Services going forward and councillors were reminded to book meetings or rooms via Customer Services.
2.3 The Working Group had discussed the A Hands Turn installation and agreed the Planning application should take its due course. Cllr White said that once the application had been determined Council would discuss the future of what was always intended to be a temporary installation.
2.4 Cllr White advised the Working Group had received an update on contracts and assets matters including agreeing that the new initial sketch for the toilets, storage and playground in Gostrey Meadow should be worked up for detailed consideration; and that the internal works for the gate widening in Gostrey Meadow were underway. In terms of the Library Gardens, FTC was awaiting some draft Heads of Terms form Surrey for the management and maintenance of the gardens. Council noted progress on the lease of the Wrecclesham Community Centre, and that FTC had made a bid to manage the open space in Brightwell’s Yard. Council noted the Section 278 works in East Street were due to commence in May.
2.5 Council received updates from the Infrastructure Planning Group and the Younger People Task Group, noting that the allocations for the support of outreach and activities for younger people had been agreed and Service Level Agreements were being drawn up with 40 Degreez, Hale Community Centre and the Jubilee Hub. Liaison councillors for each project had been agreed based on the County Council Farnham divisions (Cllr White (North Farnham) Cllr Earwaker (Central Farnham) and Cllr Murray (South Farnham). Applications were being sought for the holiday activities.
2.6 In terms of the Farnham Infrastructure Programme, Councillors had reviewed the proposed materials and given feedback to Surrey.
2.6 Cllr White reported that the Joint Leaders Mayor and Town Clerk had met with David Carden for the Council’s Draft Business Plan and a report would go to the next Strategy & Resources meeting.
2.7 Arrangements for the Annual Town Meeting of Electors had been agreed with representatives from Waverley and Surrey on hand to answer questions from electors on matters relating to their areas, including the Local Plan and FIP works.
2.8 Council noted that the Burgermeister of Andernach was coming on an official visit along with the Farnham Andernach Friendship Association in July.
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