Agenda item

Working Group Notes

1)   To receive the notes and any recommendations of the following Working Groups:

     Strategy and Resources held on 4th June 2024                     Appendix B


2)   To receive a verbal update on any matters for information from the Environment and Community & Culture Working groups.


Cllr White introduced the Strategy & Resources report at Appendix B and covered a range of matters for Council.


1)       Finance

As part of the finance month-end papers, the Working Group considered charges for the hire of equipment by community groups at weekends and bank holidays, noting the cost and imposition on staff time and that this cost would often be met by a grant from the small grants fund.  Council noted the informal request for a contribution towards the Heath End School Astro and agreed that it would not be right to allocate funds from CIL for an individual community project without opening a formal CIL application round (not expected until 2025 subject to further income being received) but agreed that an ad hoc community grant application could be considered.  The Working Group had considered the rent review for Wrecclesham Community Centre and recommended a phased increase over four years.  The Working Group had reviewed the No Interest Loans Scheme to be run by Boom Credit Union and recommended loan values to support consolidated loans.


It was Resolved unanimously that

i)    A charge for delivery and collection of equipment for community groups be at a rate of £75 and the rate for businesses be on actual cost if higher.

ii)  The Wrecclesham Community Centre lease be £9,000 plus VAT in 2024/25, with an increase of £1,000 per annum over the following three years up to £12,000.

iii)The range of No Interest Loans from Boom Community Bank be from £300 to £1,500 to provide greater opportunity for debt consolidation if required. 


2)       Contracts and Assets

i)        Council noted progress on a number of contract and assets matters including the Gostrey Gates widening, the purchase of the new Goupil, and the latest position on the Library Gardens where a further meeting with the SCC officer was expected.  In terms of the Gostrey Meadow toilets and playground, it was noted that several points had been raised for discussion with the architect prior to more detailed drawings being supplied including the toilets being shuttered at night to minimise the potential for vandalism; the nature of the ‘labels’ on individual toilets with a strong view that there should be some which were specifically for women; and on the possibility of introducing a ground source heat pump.   Council agreed that the consultation on the playground layout/equipment should take place in parallel with the planning application to reduce delays and that advice of Waverley on similar consultations would be sought.

ii)       Council noted there had been several instances of land encroachment and agreed with the proposed action.

iii)     Council noted the Christmas Lights tender was being prepared with some elements planned for 2024 but the majority for 2025 under the guidance of a Task Group.  The new scheme should involve some input from the Business Improvement District as it was part of their areas of focus.

It was Resolved unanimously that

i)    a fence be installed at the Morley Road allotments (from existing grounds budgets) where flytipping was taking place;

ii)  Officers contact the properties accessing Gostrey Meadow with a view to issuing licences;

iii) Officers contact the owners on the depot access road to seek the re-instatement of the correct fence line;

iv)   A representative of the Farnham BID be invited to join a member Task Group, including Cllrs Hesse, Jackman, Martin, and Mirylees, to help shape the design and review tenders for the new Christmas Lights scheme.


iii)     Council received an update on the proposed phased approach to land transfers following a meeting between officers at Waverley and FTC noting the detail of the three phases considered at the Strategy Workshop and set out in the draft Business Plan - with phase 1 being current year; phase two 2024-26, and phase three being 2026-28.  Cllr Merryweather advised that Waverley had just approved a Community Asset Transfer policy document setting out how transfers across the Borough would take place.  In addition, Council welcomed the approach by Waverley Borough Council for Farnham Town Council to be transferred the green space in Brightwell Yard and the land that connected to the Farnham Riverside and 40 Degreez.  The Strategy & Resources Working Group had reaffirmed that bridges with their inherent liabilities would not be part of any transfers.  Council noted that it was not yet clear whether this was a contract for management r the land transfer, and not everyone was convinced about taking on the asset at this stage.

It was RESOLVED nem con thatofficers take forward discussions on land transfers with Waverley and report back.


iv)    Council noted the legal update on matters relating to the Statutory Challenge, removal of trees in Gostrey Meadow and a historic claim re damage to a neighbouring property on land taken over at Farnham Riverside.


3)     Farnham Infrastructure Programme.

Cllr Beaman referred to the FIP Board meeting taking place on 14th June.  He said it was disturbing that papers were not sent out to Board Members in advance. In terms of the HGV ban, he would raise the proposal that the maximum fine (£300) would be implemented for those ignoring the restrictions.


Council noted that Town Council had responded on the materials following the member meeting on 14th May and that a further meeting of the heritage officers was planned after others raised the same concerns as the Town Council regarding the proposed dilution of ironstone (a traditional material in Farnham) in the scheme.  It was also noted that Conservation Areas Task Group would take place after this officer meeting when there was something to share.


Council understood that a draft phasing plan for the works had just been produced with zones of work identified rather than specific timeframes.  Cllr Martin reported that there were positive and active conversations between councillors and officers and that the concerns and comments of FTC and the Business Improvement District had been taken on board and a timing schedule would be prepared and shared.  Llr Beaman said the Council did not want to be presented with a fait accompli and for the town to be closed down over the Christmas period.  Cllr Fairclough advised as the WBC portfolio holder for car parks, the Borough would not wish to see core car parks shut around Christmas.

It was RESOLVED unanimously that with implications for town centre retail and residential areas, Farnham Town Council should seek to be involved in the phasing plan with a further report to the July Strategy & Resources meeting.


4)       Reports of Task Groups

i)        Council noted the report of the Neighbourhood Plan Task Group on 20 May had included a detailed note from the Council’s Planning advisor with a proposed timeline (attached as an Annex) for completing the Neighbourhood Plan.  Realistically this was the second quarter of 2026 given the interdependence on data completion and information required from the Borough Council such as housing  numbers, which were not expected until the end of 2024/early 2025. There were significant policy challenges. 


Cllr White said that when he became Leader his byword was consensus, and it was important to reach consensus with people involved all the way through the process. Cllr Beaman advised that any Neighbourhood Plan must conform to Waverley’s Local Plan and he felt the second quarter was ambitious.  It was better to go for the fourth quarter of 2026.  Cllr Fairclough said it was not the intention to complete a Neighbourhood Plan by 2025 but work should start now.  It would be good to go back to the community groups and say what FTC is doing in a proactive way. There was a need for more infrastructure such as schools, sewerage, water, it was not just about housing. Cllr Ward advised that the consensus was to get on with those elements that were not housing numbers dependant and to seek the input of the infrastructure providers. 


It was agreed that the community meeting scheduled for 3rd July (the day before the General Election) before the election was announced should be moved to September.  It was noted that all the elements discussed were set out in the Neighbourhood Plan Task Group minutes and some were underway.  It was agreed that there should be some additional communication on what was happening and that the next meeting of the Task Group would review the timetable.

ii)       Cllr White introduced the report on the Younger People Panel and the applications for the holiday funding that had been received and said it was good to see the relaunch of the Chantry & Byworth Association and some new applications.

iii)     Cllr White advised that the Website Task Group had its second meeting following surveys of both councillors and members of the public, facilitated by the FTC Communications Manager and an external website consultant.  It was agreed that a mobile-first new website be created; with improved accessibility and clear navigation and a more modern design. Council noted there was an earmarked reserve of £25,000 for website developments and some revenue budget available but that tenders would ensure it was competitively priced.

It was RESOLVED unanimously that:

i)    40 degreez be awarded £2,000 towards their project costs, ringfenced for transport for their out-of-area activities.

ii)  The Chantrys and Byworth Community Association and The Parish Rooms (on behalf of the Women’s Refuge – I Choose Freedom) be offered additional funding (up to £1,500 and £500 respectively) to extend or expand their offering.

iii) The Maltings be awarded £3,000 towards project costs, ringfenced for their remote projects only in Weybourne, Badshot Lea and Brambleton Hall.

iv) Funding of £2,000 to supplement a grant from Farnham South Street Trust be awarded to the UCA subject to the project being specifically targeted at younger people.

v)  The grants list be agreed.

vi)   A tender for a new website be developed in conjunction with the Website Review Task Group.


5)       Council Policies

i)    Cllr White introduced the draft Business Plan at Annex 3 to the Working Group Minutes. It was based on the Strategy Workshop held in 2023 and was a useful working document/overview of the Council’s aspirations.   Further discussion was agreed for the detail of the timescales and resource impacts and the 2024 Strategy Workshop was planned for Thursday 28th November as part of the 2025-26 budget setting process.

ii)   Cllr White advised the Working Group had welcomed the Dependant’ Carer’s Allowance scheme which should be of benefit for new councillors and those with dependant responsibilities.

It was RESOLVED unanimously that:

i)      the draft Business Plan be agreed as the focus for Council in the coming period noting that additional work on timescales and resourcing of the plan was required.

ii)    The Dependant Carer’s Allowance Scheme be adopted.


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