Agenda item

Working Group Notes

1   To receive the notes and any recommendations of the following Working Groups                                           

i)     Strategy and Resources held on 9th June 2024                Appendix B

ii)   Community & Culture held on 10th June 2024              Appendix C

2     To receive a verbal updone on any relevant matters from the Environment Working Group.


1. Strategy & Resources


Cllr White presented the Notes of the Strategy & Resources Working Group meeting held on 9th July 2024 at Appendix B to the Council agenda.


Council noted that the quarterly finance report was as expected with income at 50.8% and expenditure at the expected level for the first three months.  It was noted the External auditor had commented on the additional day allocated for the public inspection of the accounts.  Cllr White advised that an additional application from the Museum of Rual Life for summer activities had been found in the junk mailbox and a grant of £1,500 had been allocated.


a)  Task Groups

i) Younger People Panel

     Cllr White reported that the Younger People Panel had considered in detail two proposals for the Younger People research one which was more traditional quantitative research whilst the other had an added dimension of training young people to survey other young people.


It was Resolved nem con that

1)      Westco Communications be commissioned to undertake its proposal at a cost of £11,850 to inform the 2025-26 budget;

2)      Participation People be commissioned to work with younger people on the basis of their proposal during the forthcoming academic year at a cost of £10,710;

3)      an additional allocation may be required to achieve the optimum outcomes from each proposal and that subject to a review of the outcomes, budget provision for further research may be beneficial for 2025-2026.


ii) Neighbourhood Plan Task Group. Council noted that the timeline for the Neighbourhood Plan had been agreed by the Working Group to operate to the end of 2026 to be in general conformity with the emerging Local Plan update. The Government’s King’s Speech had included a large amount on planning with the National Planning Policy Framework to be changed with a consultation expected by the end of July.  This meant timescales and other matters for Neighbourhood Plans and Local Plans were very uncertain.  There was a Waverley councillor briefing being held on 30th July which may have further information.  The Community briefing (rescheduled because of the General Election) would now take place on 11th September. 


b)     Cllr White reported that the Statutory Challenge on the Waverley Lane had taken place on 16/17 July.  The Council’s barrister had done a fantastic job on what was a very technical exercise.  The merits of the case rested on paragraph 10c of the Neighbourhood Plan and the outcome depended on which way the Judge viewed it.  The result was expected at the end of the summer. The case had demonstrated that the Neighbourhood Plan was very important and the Council was keen to have the community involved.  Cllr Jackman said he was more assured that the Council had done the right thing and residents were very positive about the Town Council response to the offer of money to the Bourne Club if the Council withdrew its legal challenge.


c)   Cllr Murray reported on the Business Improvement District Board meeting.  The Council loan of £30,000 had been received and was due back in November when the levy payments had been received.  The Board was looking at Christmas lights contributions and setting up rangers/ambassadors to assist with a welcome to the town and help address issues of anti-social behaviour and shoplifting. Council discussed the role of these ambassadors (paid or voluntary) and noted there was a fine line between what these did and the roles of other agencies such as the police.  Council noted all BID income was spent by the business-led board on business matters in Farnham. 


d)   Council noted that a Website brief was being prepared based on issues identified by councillors and the surveys of staff and the public, and that another meeting of the Task Group would be held in August.


e)   Council noted that a pre-specification meeting had been held to help develop the Christmas Lights tender specification which would include options for lease or purchase. Some elements would be sought for 2024 with the new scheme in 2025.  A meeting of the Task Group would be scheduled.


f)    Cllr White reported that the Gostrey Meadow Toilets, Storage and Playground Project architects drawings had been developed in accordance with the Council decision. However, there were some issues for further discussion and a meeting involving Cllrs White, Hesse and Murray and to which all councillors were invited would be held and reported back to full Council for approval.  Council heard that a consultation on the playground element would be held in parallel with the submission of a planning application.


g)   Cllr Beaman introduced the report on the Farnham Infrastructure Programme.  He advised that ostensibly Farnham Town Council was an equal partner in the Farnham Board, but FTC views were not being seen as important as they should be.  Whilst the aim of FIP was for the good of the town he was not sure the town was ready and implementation would be difficult over an 18 month period, with significant disruption, that he felt residents and businesses do not appear to have appreciated.  Cllr Beaman believed the role of the FIB Board should be changed for the implementation phase and involve businesses and residents.


Cllr Fairclough, as the Waverley representative on the Board, felt the Board was not perfect but a revised Board would face the same challenges.  The Board gave Farnham councillors a voice which in turn gave residents a voice.  He said the FIP must recognise the importance of Farnham business and he had been impressed by a meeting with residents and businesses instigated by the Surrey county councillors.  He disagreed with the idea to disband or rebrand the board and suggested the principal objective was to improve communication with residents and businesses and to make it clear Farnham remained open for business.


In discussion other councillors agreed that communications with FTC, WBC and SCC working together was going to be very important with a single point of information such as the SCC website.  It was clear that SCC would own the process and timelines, but FTC would also need to inform residents to help them understand things such as deliveries.  It was suggested there needed to be a Communications Working Group which included representatives of all councillors, the BID and local businesses which began sharing messages and promoting general awareness that the FIP was coming in 2025.


In conclusion Cllr Beaman said the FIP was good for the town.


h)   Cllr White advised that the agents acting for the owner of Dyas Yard (between Central Car Park and Downing Street) had been in discussion with the Town Council about potential options to transfer the land which could be beneficial.  It was RESOLVED nem con that Officers discuss potential options with Waverley Borough Council, Surrey County Council and agents for Dyas Yard to improve access to Downing Street.


2.  Community & Culture Working Group


Cllr Earwaker presented the Notes of the Community & Culture Working Group held on 10th July, attached at Appendix C to the Council Agenda.  Council noted recent events and plans for future events and projects include World Craft Town and the suggestion to discuss with Waverley options to utilise unused building and make craft more visible with a hub, potentially in Waggon Yard. Council also noted the need for updated signage at entrances to Farnham.


Cllr Earwaker drew attention to the sponsorship position which was positive against the budget and thanked sponsors for their ongoing support.


On a proposal to host craft in the Tindle Suite, it was RESOLVED nem con to purchase a display cabinet to show the artwork created by Fiona Byrne as part of the World Craft Town Residency.


3. Environment Working Group


Cllr Brown provided an update on the work of the Environment Working Group advising that judging for South and South East in Bloom had taken place and the RHS Britain in Bloom judging would take place at the end of the month.  He also announced that Green Flags had been awarded to West Street, Badshot Lea and Hale Cemeteries, and for Gostrey Meadow.

He said the next Working group meeting would take place on 10th August.


Cllr Jackman encouraged everyone to attend the Tice’s Meadow Bioblitz that was happening on 20 July.

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