Agenda item

Working Group Notes

1)     To receive the notes and any recommendations of the Strategy and Resources Working Group held on 4th September 2024  Appendix B

2)     To receive a verbal update on any relevant matters from the Communities & Culture and Environment Working Groups.



1)     Strategy & Resources

Cllr Fairclough introduced the Notes of the Strategy & Resources Working Group held on 4th September at Appendix B to the agenda.


i)     Finances

Council noted that there were no matters of concern with the month end finances and received the latest position on grants and the grants timetable for 2024-2025 with applications for both Community Grants and the Farnham South Street Trust invited between September and December 2024.  Organisations receiving a larger grant via a Service Level Agreement would be invited to discuss their applications with councillors in November.  The Working Group recommended raising the maximum for community grants from £2,000 to £2,500 noting this may not necessarily mean a higher allocation, depending on the overall agreed budget and the number of applications.


It was RESOLVED nem con that:

i)           the 2025/26 Community Grants, South Street Trust and SLA Grant timelines be agreed;

ii)         the maximum sum for Community grant applications be increased from £2,000 to £2,500;

iii)        The Community & Culture Working Group review the process and range of grants allocated ahead of 2026-27 grants applications.


ii)   Budget and Precept Setting

Council received the key dates for the 2025-26 Budget and precept setting with each Working Group considering their budgets during the autumn cycle of meetings and these would feed into the Strategy briefing/workshop on November 28th and the Council budget setting meeting on 19th December. The setting of the precept would be agreed on 23rd January 2025.


It was RESOLVED nem con that:

The 2025/26 budget and precept setting key dates be agreed


iii)  External Audit

Council received, at Appendix C to its agenda, the results of the 2023-24 External Audit undertaken by PKF Littlejohn at Appendix C to its agenda which had been unqualified.  Council noted the thanks of the Working Group to Responsible Financial Officer (Town Clerk), bookkeeper (Sarah Cross), accountant (Claire Connell) and Internal Auditor (Mike Platten) for the work that went in to achieving this.

It was RESOLVED unanimously that the external auditor’s Unqualified Audit for 2023-24 be welcomed.


iv)  Farnham Infrastructure Programme

Council received detailed notes on the latest position on the Farnham Infrastructure Programme including raingardens, the proposed stepped design at the junction of West Street and Downing Street, a design for which was awaited, and bus shelters in the Borough and West Street.  In terms of phasing of the programme there was still no detailed information other than a start date in the town centre of 13th January. The bus shelter design had further discussion at Council following some informal research undertaken by Cllr Jackman.  The latest advice from Surrey officers was that FTC could choose its preferred design suitable for the conservation area but would then take on future maintenance costs if this was not a normal design supported by SCC.  After discussion

It was RESOLVED nem con that

1)    SCC be requested to purchase for the Borough the ACE heritage bus shelter with quarter panels in laminated or toughened glass and a green roof to be maintained by Farnham Town Council;

2)    No shelter be provided on West Street at this juncture but the footings and infrastructure for real time bus information be available at the bus stop.


Council noted that the Working Group had considered the question raised at the previous council meeting by Mr Butler regarding speeding in Castle Street.  Whilst FTC’s powers were limited as enforcement was the responsibility of Surrey Police or the County Council the Town Council had funded equipment and hi viz clothing for a Speedwatch.  Council also noted that once the FIP proposals had been implemented with a raised crossing and narrower carriageway in Castle Street there should be some improvements but the matter would be raised again with Surrey County Council and Surrey Police to see what additional action could be taken.


V) Neighbourhood Plan Task Group

Cllr Martin reported on the meetings of the Neighbourhood Plan Task Group held on 8th and 29h July and the 19th August.  She advised Council that there had also been a very well attended community meeting on 11th September with an excellent presentation by Steve Tilbury.  She thanked Jenny de Quervain for the work she had been undertaking.  The draft response to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Consultation was recommended for endorsement.


In discussion, Council said it was about time that the Government got planning sorted as there were permissions for about a million homes not being built by developers.  Government should allow more social housing to be built by councils and a higher proportion (50%) should be affordable/social housing if Greenfield sites were used.  It was also suggested that developers should pay full council tax on approved sites for which permission had been given if homes had not been built after two years, as an incentive to develop.


It was RESOLVED nem con that the FTC response on the NPPF be submitted.


v)   Community Infrastructure/CIL Task Group

Council noted that the Waverley Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy bidding round was open for applications.  It also received details of consideration by the Strategy & resources Working Group for the CIL funding for which Farnham Town Council was responsible.  Council considered the recommendations from the Working Group noting that other capital projects such as taking on the Waggon Yard garages for conversion were at an embryonic stage and there was a big shortfall in funding required for the Gostrey project.

It was RESOLVED nem con that

1)    The current policy of prioritising FTC led projects be continued with the current CIL funding;

2)    A community bidding round would take place in 2026 subject to sufficient funds being received

3)    The current earmarked allocation for environmental improvements and street furniture for the Farnham Infrastructure Project funding be increased to £100,000;

4)    An allocation of £150,000 for an additional contribution to the Gostrey Meadow playground project and the toilets and storage project.


vi)  Other Task Groups

Council noted that good progress was being made on the Younger People Panel and that an excellent brief had been prepared for the website tender.  There was disappointment that the proposed St James Conservation Area had not been considered worthy of consideration by Waverley Planners but it was noted the small steering group was progressing the idea.


vii)Contract and Assets

Cllr Fairclough advised that the Gostrey Meadow Toilet design had progressed and a curved roof was being taken forward as it could have greater solar panels, was easier to maintain. The new design had additional storage, increased glass sections for natural light,  and addressed issues raised by members previously over litter and access.  He thanked everyone for their contributions that had led to an improved design.  Council noted the initial playground consultation had begun prior to tendering the project.

It was RESOLVED nem con that

i)       The curved roof design be approved for the Gostrey Meadow public conveniences;

ii)      Plan A architects take forward the outline design for planning approval;

iii)    Cllr Jackman work alongside officers in progressing the playground project.


Council noted progress being made on a number of other projects set out in the Working Group Notes.


viii)   Other matters

Council noted the temporary planning permission for A Hands Turn and that officers would seek an alternate location following the expiry of the permission such as the Evelyn Borelli Garden/Sculpture Park by UCA; arrangements for the VIP visit at the end of September to Hale; Library Gardens lease; and action taken on invasive species.

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