Agenda item

Working Group Notes

To receive the notes and any recommendations of the following Working Groups:

i)           Environment held on 25th September 2024                     Appendix B

ii)         Community & Culture held on 2nd October 2024          Appendix C

iii)        Strategy and Resources held on 14th October 2024        Appendix D



1          Environment

Cllr Brown introduced the Notes of the Environment Working group held on 25th September 2024.  He said he had been ’gutted’ he could not attend the Farnham in Bloom Awards.  He gave special mention to Gemma Ball who had received the Mayor’s Special Award for her longstanding contribution to In Bloom as Head of Badshot Lea Village Infants School and commended everyone who had won.


He echoed the Mayor’s comments on the amazing result in the RHS Britain in Bloom awards with Farnham missing the overall title by the smallest of margins to Bath.


In terms of Green Flag entries for 2025, Cllr Brown advised that the Working Group would like to enter the Library Gardens if the new lease has been signed by Surrey as a new management plan would be beneficial.  In response to a question the Business and Facilities Manager advised that Farnham had signed the contract for the lease and was awaiting Surrey handing over the keys.


Council noted the Working Group had suggested the Town Council undertook the work to calculate its carbon footprint and progress made and that this was in hand.


Cllr Jackman thanked the team for the graffiti removal in Badshot Lea.


Cllr Mauluka left at this point and handed over to the Deputy Mayor.


2          Community and Culture

Cllr Murray introduced the Notes of the Community and Culture Working Group held on 2nd October at Appendix C to the agenda. 


Council noted the update on recent events and the potential impact of the Farnham Infrastructure Programme on 2025 events and that this had led to the Carnival Committee considering the future of the Carnival.


Cllr Murray reported that the Craft Month events had been well attended with internationally recognised artists taking part and that the first Lantern Festival had over 500 lanterns distributed with the procession taking place on 31st October.


The Working Group had agreed that a Film Festival would be considered for 2025/26 and asked the Town Clerk to include a draft budget of £15,000.


Cllr Murray reported on the development of the Farnham Business Improvement District which was working to create a new Farnham Bid brand, and that they were discussing running a ‘Free after 3’ campaign for car parks in Farnham during November and December.


Cllr Fairclough said that whilst he recognised the town centre was vital to the economy he hoped the Community & Culture Working group would consider extending activities across the town wards.


Cllr Dickson left the meeting at this point.


3          Strategy & Resources

Cllr White introduced the Notes of the Strategy & Resources Working group meeting held on 24th October at Appendix D to the agenda.  It had been a busy meeting with some key items discussed.



i)       Farnham Infrastructure Programme

Cllr Beaman outlined the latest position on the Farnham Infrastructure Programme, and that there was likely to be consideration of the Farnham Board being disbanded once the implementation phase commenced but there was a need to have an oversight of the highways work. He advised the three councils were working together on the best ways of promoting Farnham and ensure messages were clear and realistic about the works with signposting to a single point for the latest news.  Discussions were also taking place on the 2025 events programme and impacts from the works phasing.


ii)      Neighbourhood Plan Task Group

Cllr White said the Working Group had been frustrated there had been no information supplied by Waverley on agreed topics which was impeding FTC in progressing the Neighbourhood Plan and the Town Council had not been invited to a meeting as agreed over an extended SANG at Moor Park.


a)     Waverley Lane Statutory Challenge

The Working Group had discussed the Waverley Lane Statutory Review decision.  The Judge had dismissed the appeal based on both the late delivery of papers by the Council’s solicitors and the merits of the case.  The result was disappointing as it meant the potential candidate area and its special landscape quality was lost forever but it had been an important matter to challenge even though the odds were stacked against local communities.  The Working Group recommended that since that the judge had written a very thorough report the opportunity for taking the case further was limited.  Council expressed profound disappointment at the outcome and that it was noted that a claim would now be pursued against the Council’s solicitors insurers for costs associated with the late delivery of papers as set out in the Exempt Annex 1. Council was proud it had stood up for its residents and the Neighbourhood Plan and fought the fight.


It was RESOLVED unanimously that FTC does not pursue the Waverley Lane Statutory Challenge further.


b)     Farnham Park Cemetery

Council discussed whether Farnham should  participate in the Planning Appeal in support of Waverley as a Rule 6 party and whether FTC should be legally represented given the complexity of some of the matters and the importance of the site adjacent to Farnham Park which had landscape importance.  Costs for legal representation had been obtained and it was agreed attending as an Interested Party would be sufficient, with Farnham’s Planning consultant presenting the issues for Farnham, would be the best solution.  There were issues around the Red Line for the site, the building on the site and the landscape issues.  It was hoped Farnham Town Council would be able to attend the Inspector’s Management meeting.


The Leader mentioned there were other challenges ahead including the Old Park South with an appeal expected in February. Cllr Hesse asked if changes could still be made around access to that particular site.  He was concerned that an approved appeal would be against the Neighbourhood Plan and with construction traffic down a residential road.


It was RESOLVED unanimously that

1)    FTC should be an Interested Party supporting Waverley Borough Council in the Farnham Park Cemetery Appeal;

2)    Farnham would instruct its Planning Consultant to present the Council’s case.


iii)    Younger People Panel

Cllr White advised on the results on the research undertaken by Westco.  The number and quality of responses (over 900) had been well above expectation. They had also consulted 15 partner agencies.  Overall the responses had shown most things were ok for most young people living in Farnham but there were concerns for the health and well-being for a minority. There was the option for Westco to drill down further or do ward based analysis.  After discussion, Council agreed the next stage was to progress the commissioned work from Participation People who would approach schools and invite young people to be trained to interview their peers using the initial findings as the basis for their questions.


Council noted Cllr Murray had been co-opted onto the Younger People Panel as the link with South Farnham activities and Jubilee Hub.


It was RESOLVED unanimously that

1)    The number of members of the Working Groups be increased to six;

2)    Cllr Earwaker be appointed to the Environment Working Group and Cllr Martin to the Community & Culture Working Group.


iv)     Standing Orders

Cllr White advised that following the reduction in councillors from 18 to 16, the number of councillors in Working Groups was reduced from 6 to 5.  However, this had meant some meetings had been struggling to get a quorum and it was agreed to recommend increasing all the Working Group numbers back to six.  Cllr Jackman raised again the issue of timing of meetings. The Leader responded by saying there was a balance needed for councillors and staff with the wide range of meetings needed and the requirements of double hatted councillors.  He suggested councillors sent him an email with the ideal times and days from their perspective and the matter would be reviewed further.  Cllr Beaman suggested named substitutes might be a better option and it was agreed this should be researched further to see if it were possible in a town or parish council.


It was RESOLVED unanimously that

1)  The number of Members of the Working Groups be increased to six.

2)  Additional councillors be appointed to the Environment Working Group and the Community & Culture Working Group.  Cllr Earwaker has offered to join the Environment Working Group.


Cllr Martin left at this point.


v)      Contracts & Assets update

Council noted progress on a number of projects including Gostrey Meadow and required surveys for the planning application; the website tender; and the responses received to the playground consultation which had formed the basis for the playground tender.


vi)     Finance

Cllr White reported on the financial position at the six month period which had been considered with detailed reports.  Council noted income was running at 60% as a result of Section 106 and CIL monies received and that expenditure was running at 50%.


vii)   Consultation

The Dempster Trust had asked Farnham Town Council to approve new Trustees in accordance with their Trust Deed.


It was RESOLVED unanimously that:

Mrs Jacqui Thomas be confirmed as a new Trustee on the Dempster Trust and Mr Keith Harris be co-opted onto the Trust.


viii)  Conservation Areas Advisory Group

Cllr Hesse encouraged all councillors with a conservation area in their ward to take part in the Advisory Group.

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